Open and Closed Issues for TASKING Tools for C166/ST10 v6.0r1Log in

Open Issues

This is a list of currently open issues for the TASKING Tools for C166/ST10 v6.0r1. The list may include issues found in later releases, whether such issues also appear in this release has not always been verified yet. See below for the list of closed issues. The list of fixed issues for v6.0r1 is included in the release notes of the product.


C166CL-165 Errors on command line are not listed in error list file
C166CL-186 @EXIT does not work in all cases
C166CL-20003 Compiler causes bad alignment in initialization
C166CL-20004 Init'd data alloc'd in default data group even using -Ml -T0
C166CL-20006 Global RBANK is located at F600h and initialized with 0000h
C166CL-20009 Post increment on huge pointer to int generates incorrect code
C166CL-20011 #pragma asm should not result in pointer conversions
C166CL-20012 S 638: assertion failed
C166CL-20015 _model in the header files is not working correctly
C166CL-20024 Option "treat floating point constant as float" is reversed
C166CL-20025 PECC pointer definitions missing in reg164ci.h
C166CL-20035 Instruction generated with illegal register operand
C166CL-20050 E 171: invalid type conversion due to the offset of macro
C166CL-20057 Error E 607 on multiple defines of bit with _atbit() attribute.
C166CL-20064 Can only show C++ class function when top item on stack
C166CL-20066 Source.cpp shows source.ic in source window title.
C166CL-20067 C++ doesn't allow multiple include paths
C166CL-20068 Complains: 'missing closing quote' in line #if _MODEL == 't'
C166CL-20069 CP166 handles shuge keyword wrong
C166CL-20070 0X4040C allowed C notation causes "Syntax error"
C166CL-20071 E 33 __link redefined with -Ob
C166CL-20072 E268: absolute linear element cannot be located within 4 pages
C166CL-20073 3265: S3 Assertion error C166
C166CL-20082 Scrolling through a source file in the source window
C166CL-20090 No release/keep/lock memory when reloading applications
C166CL-20096 S524 assertion failed error
C166CL-20143 Identical strings are not overlayed in same module
C166CL-20156 S 626: pointer to fn() returning bit-type used as parameter
C166CL-20157 Scroll bar thumb at top, while window scrolled to bottom
C166CL-20164 S 524: cannot do conversion
C166CL-20166 S 723: assertion failed
C166CL-20169 Severe problem RE code generation errors
C166CL-20170 S 659: stack adjust not flow path invariant
C166CL-20171 Bitvar, cast of bitword from sfr not allowed in _get/putbit
C166CL-20177 CSE: R12 overwritten in argument setup for longtoascii()
C166CL-20181 When a variable is <dead>, one cannot display its C type either
C166CL-20182 Switch table description wrong
C166CL-20185 S 674: (line 959) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-20188 Compound statement released incorrect data from usrstack
C166CL-20192 Initialization of an auto variable
C166CL-20198 Global bit in data window incorrectly displayed
C166CL-20204 Initialized vars with '#pragma combine' doesn't work
C166CL-20209 Variable modification with assignment to bitfields
C166CL-20210 Compiler generates for filenames with '-' wrong assembly labels
C166CL-20238 E 355: invalid optype, for bitvar in bitword used in _putbit
C166CL-20251 incorrect code in _add_u16s16_u16()/_add_s16u16_s16()
C166CL-20253 Generate incorrect assembly code ADD R14,[R13] result: E 355
C166CL-20258 C166 external bus timing (syscon MCTC) setting in EDE
C166CL-20262 S 3: _inline function can't handle pointers to fn() as argument
C166CL-20269 HEAPSIZE doesn't work for C++ files using CC166
C166CL-20271 CP166 generates prototype functions without arguments
C166CL-20273 S 683: assertion failed error when compiling via C++ compiler
C166CL-20276 S548 internal error
C166CL-20283 _inline fn() return type uint is sign extended to ulong
C166CL-20285 Keyword register doesn't work with compile option -S
C166CL-20286 Out of range error for relative addresses above 10000h
C166CL-20287 E 267: Problem with SYSSTACK allocation and definition
C166CL-20301 With EDE a linker problem occures for C++ files
C166CL-20302 S 673: C166 Compiler Problem
C166CL-20311 Compiler stops parsing entirely after ^Z in include file
C166CL-20315 Compiler generates incorrect code for -P option
C166CL-20316 Incorrect struct assignment expression result med/large model
C166CL-20318 S 524 assertion failed
C166CL-20319 Wrong pointer handling with default compiler options
C166CL-20320 Wrong type conv. for large EQU directives in asm part of C166
C166CL-20327 Another S524 assertion failed error
C166CL-20329 Array is too large error when compiling as a .cpp file
C166CL-20332 Include file c166.h doesn't contain esfr/esfrbit
C166CL-20336 S 546 error with register keyword usage for structure
C166CL-20342 Access violation A166 problem with string area's
C166CL-20348 E 607:CPP compiler doesn't generate 'extern bitword' in .ic file
C166CL-20358 Passing structs by value problem
C166CL-20363 EDE doesn't set the -I include path's for C++ files
C166CL-20364 CPP166 doesn't search standard include dir when CP166INC set
C166CL-20365 C++ compiler uses different scope for the 'for loop'
C166CL-20369 E 609:c166 can't handle output C++ Compiler when using _atbit()
C166CL-20370 The modulo (%) operator doesn't work correctly
C166CL-20388 Pragma asm interface incorrectly returns pseudo reg's values
C166CL-20403 Compiler floating point options -F doesn't work properly
C166CL-20407 Include file c166.h contains parameter type iny instead of int
C166CL-20408 Incorrect DEF(_ODWDIS,1)
C166CL-20410 Missing NOP in ISR causes pipeline problem
C166CL-20414 Rebuild: batchfile fails on win95/98 for paths with spaces
C166CL-20415 C166 preprocessor problem
C166CL-20418 Access violation when memory window reached address 0
C166CL-20419 Erroneous result in compound assignment
C166CL-20420 #pragma noclear is applied to the whole file
C166CL-20424 Library options are not given to linker/locater
C166CL-20425 Parameter register gets erased during eval. of other parameters
C166CL-20426 Double dereference of pointer
C166CL-20428 Erroneous values generated for string constant.
C166CL-20430 Ctype.h: extern const char _ctype_[] definition is missing
C166CL-20443 Erroneous handling of chars >= 128 in fputs and fread
C166CL-20446 Local register variables are modified by setjmp/longjmp
C166CL-20453 d166 can't handle extended opcodes
C166CL-20472 CrossView can't debug C++ files on a correct order
C166CL-20486 Conditional register erasure
C166CL-20556 Warning message from ieee166.exe
C166CL-20562 C166.h is outdated
C166CL-20563 Static model conflicts with variable argument lists
C166CL-20596 C166 funny XfW comment when varname z used
C166CL-20599 Startup code corrupts memory just before the user stack
C166CL-20603 Simulator set N-bit in PSW wrong when MUL is used
C166CL-20610 Without messages, ISR is not supported as member function
C166CL-20611 The C++ compiler doesn't align the sizeof operator with gaps
C166CL-20614 C166 doesn't set ASSUME directive at top of .asm file (E 272)
C166CL-20616 C compiler doesn't generate DPP-prefix or ASSUME directive
C166CL-20620 Warning message from ieee166.exe
C166CL-20622 Simulator set V-bit (overflow) in PSW wrong when DIVL is used
C166CL-20627 Simulator doesn't set Z-bit in PSW with CMP PSW, #00h
C166CL-20630 Ihex166/srec166/ieee166 can't handle >256 sections in .out file
C166CL-20631 Sim doesn't clear non-addressed complementary byte in SFR
C166CL-20638 Sim doesn't handle pipe effected instr. MOV [-Rn],Rm (with n=m)
C166CL-20639 Startup code contains byte forwarding problems
C166CL-20640 EDE doesn't pass option -Fs to Linker/Locater
C166CL-20647 Compiler can't handle public bit labels by means of _atbit()
C166CL-20711 Simulator exchanges the low/high bytes with CoSTORE ?,MSW
C166CL-20713 CP166 memory model not set by EDE
C166CL-20722 C166 generates re-used labels that cause assembler failure
C166CL-20725 Errorneous runtime-library function _icall (uext/c166m.lib)
C166CL-20732 C166 can't pass R10 correct to __cpnnw when R10 is for variable
C166CL-20734 CrossView cannot watch local bitvariables
C166CL-20739 S 666: assertion failed when REGDEF conflicts with parameter passing
C166CL-20743 User defined .ilo--file is not in list of dependencies
C166CL-20744 Peephole optimizing bug in compiler
C166CL-20748 C++ doesn't use the include path directories
C166CL-20751 Modulo operator gives code with MDL reg and W 149: DPP-prefix
C166CL-20807 E 243: symbol .. multiply defined, virtual instant of C++ templ.
C166CL-20811 _bit variable used for _atbit's when bitwords defined in struct
C166CL-20815 wrong definition of bit SCL1 in REG161ri.def
C166CL-20817 MACTRP bit in TFR not defined
C166CL-20830 CP166 generates garbage with inline assembly and empty line
C166CL-20832 Library function strftime converts %I format wrong
C166CL-20838 C++ compiler can't handle typedefs with a class name
C166CL-20850 C compiler couldn't generate REGBANK instead of REGDEF
C166CL-20852 application error while loading .abs file
C166CL-20853 Linker only generates a warning when an error is expected
C166CL-20856 no value when watching string at end of program in XFW
C166CL-20857 EDE can not build project with same filenames in different dirs
C166CL-20890 PreLinker problem with Nucleus libraries
C166CL-20905 CP166 ignores -M option (model), always uses -Ms
C166CL-20918 CSTART problem with init'ed data at BOTTOM_BITRAM in USM
C166CL-20935 S 663: assertion failed, introduced in compiler
C166CL-20939 CP166 should generate E513 for const pointer assign to pointer
C166CL-20947 Locater doesn't reserve area for CAN interface when CAN is used
C166CL-20949 Configuration file for EVA167 board should use reset vector
C166CL-20968 C166 option -OT removes extra section for not combined var
C166CL-20969 Compiler #pragma noclear regenerates #pragma combine
C166CL-20976 FTEE delivered with newer CodeWright 'Bad command or filename'
C166CL-20985 bug in calculating HDAT section
C166CL-20991 Problem with R1 in __C_INIT Function
C166CL-20999 A166: Incorrect read sequence of STDNAMES
C166CL-21010 Problem in RETP encoding, using NORETCHECK
C166CL-21012 C166: error: inline function and double extern declaration
C166CL-21013 Not able to set Hardware Breakpoint from breakpoints dialog
C166CL-21019 C166: bit initialize problem in start.asm
C166CL-21026 Application error in startup dialog
C166CL-21031 Ihex166 v6.0r4 put an extra data string into my code
C166CL-21032 CrossView: not possible to single step (source line) into an ISR
C166CL-21033 XFW cannot read target memory at ffff... after SCXT
C166CL-21092 xfw166 problem with non-ascii characters in IEEE-695 format
C166CL-21103 CC166 does not pass -M (memory model) option to CP166
C166CL-21134 Problem on a 'for' loop
C166CL-21136 unexpected printf output after using %.2i or %.2u
C166CL-21141 Cannot initialize SYSCON1,2,3 and XPERCON using ROM/RAM monitor
C166CL-21155 -cf option with AD SE control: "unrecognized control"
C166CL-21172 XFW does not give a warning when *.sre file is not there
C166CL-21193 Too many errors E542: "argument #2 is not an integral expression"
C166CL-21197 -r option ignores specified name
C166CL-21223 printf with argument type %g and exponent -5 is not correct
C166CL-21226 printf with argument type %+u prints value incorrect with sign
C166CL-21227 sscanf can't read negative hexadecimal values
C166CL-21229 printf with argument type %+015G doesn't have the correct length
C166CL-21231 printf with argument type %+11.s doesn't have the correct result
C166CL-21233 printf with argument type %+.G doesn't have the correct result
C166CL-21234 printf with argument type %.*d doesn't have the correct result
C166CL-21240 Locator: wrong DPP prefix /w section combine type absolute
C166CL-21261 S 714: assertion failed
C166CL-21274 CP166 too many arguments on cmdline when options after filename
C166CL-21313 'S 524 assertion failed' when a (s)huge ptr cast to int
C166CL-21338 "Application error" when loading *.abs file
C166CL-21361 wrong input from getc and getchar after 32768 characters
C166CL-21372 S 159: assertion failed -please report-
C166CL-21399 a string is not defined as 'const char *' but as 'char *'
C166CL-21405 -A0 strict ANSI C problem, using stdlib.h
C166CL-21414 F 219: error while deleting file *.ii
C166CL-21417 S3 assertion failed
C166CL-21425 Warnning: missing sdc_lia or sdc_lip
C166CL-21431 Chip select 2 does not use Read/Write Delay when enabled
C166CL-21433 PICON esfr not included in reg161ri files
C166CL-21436 14-bits pointer cmp in record_needed_destruction() using -Mm/-Ml
C166CL-21441 strtod doesn't use errno when over/underflow occurs
C166CL-21472 DOIL doesn't generate -x option in makefile for C++ compiler
C166CL-21473 DOIL doesn't generate --instantiation_dir in makefile
C166CL-21491 characters /* in a string define causes compiler to hang
C166CL-21494 XRAM SSP registers should not be declared as SFR in REG163.H
C166CL-21504 A166, wmk: *** action exited with value -1073741819.
C166CL-21514 CP166 complains about missing prototypes when using string.h
C166CL-21521 C166: S508 assertion failed error
C166CL-21525 C165UTAH h- and def-file misses certain bit definitions
C166CL-21526 Strange values STKUN, STKOV in cstart using large model w/ float
C166CL-21532 C options not passed to C166
C166CL-21533 C166: CAN headerfile not available in the include directory
C166CL-21534 Incorrect array init with sizeof on string
C166CL-21538 XVW example couldn't be build with mk166 tool
C166CL-21548 missing 161cs definitions
C166CL-21551 compile errors when C166.h is included in C++ file
C166CL-21552 Bad location counter for absolute sections in assembler listfile
C166CL-21555 Bad page loaded into DPP0 when accessing far data
C166CL-21568 function 'setjmp' is overwriting data space not reserved for it
C166CL-21574 Compiler issues W196 when compiling va_start macro in stdarg.h
C166CL-21575 23854 - S3 assertion for C module
C166CL-21577 assembler parser error E 410
C166CL-21578 the match function does not work for uppercase extensions
C166CL-21581 CC166 option -o ignores path and extension of given filename
C166CL-21608 Path ignored when using LISTALL and PRINT option
C166CL-21621 No error or warning on inline interrupt functions
C166CL-21625 C166: compiler generates W183: variable possibly uninitialized
C166CL-21631 BUSCON2 RWDC not working
C166CL-21633 missing 161cs definition: ODP7 and ODP4
C166CL-21644 NOP optimized away after setting DPP
C166CL-21655 Bad address for near var defined with _at when using ADDRESSES LINEAR
C166CL-21656 ST10x262/272: unprotected libs are linked when 'div' protected
C166CL-21658 protected floating point libs do not protect DIVLU instructions
C166CL-21666 sfr P1DIDIS not defined for C167CS and C167CS40
C166CL-21692 Support the GUI equavalent of the 'h' command.
C166CL-21704 Cannot change address of Register Bank at 0xF600.
C166CL-21717 When combining data sections, the align types are assumed equal
C166CL-21719 S 723 assertion failed error
C166CL-21721 S 524: assertion failed - please report
C166CL-21753 E 65 const initialized var declaration at an absolute address
C166CL-21770 E 209: module scope name generated if ilo-file before named file
C166CL-21773 Assertion failure S 524
C166CL-21795 code generation error using inline function
C166CL-21816 F 219: error while deleting file "filename.pch"
C166CL-21834 General Linker/Locator controls are passed to L166 twice
C166CL-21841 C++ compiler skips inline assembly code
C166CL-21846 Assembler accepts bit address operand in MOV reg,#data16 instruction
C166CL-21860 #pragma volatile_union does not prevent -Ok from optimizing
C166CL-21869 C-compiler options | File Options: greyed out when using a C++ file
C166CL-21893 Protected libraries are not linked when 'protect mul and div' is enabled
C166CL-21897 Asembler control NOPR (no list file) passed to the assembler
C166CL-21900 E79: constant expression expected
C166CL-21901 Application error when 'code coverage' is updated
C166CL-21907 Wide characters are not supported by the compiler back-end
C166CL-21913 Bad entry in interrupt vector table if ISR resides in overlay area
C166CL-21929 Wrong bit offset used for bit-struct dereference
C166CL-21935 The XVW download error is unclear
C166CL-21941 C167CS40 ESFR RSTCON should only be accessed via its long (mem) address
C166CL-21962 RAM data allocation problem when rebuilding dual vector monitor
C166CL-21963 E 277: MACRO syntax error with combination of NOT-parenthesis and &.
C166CL-21965 Register SPSEG could not be used when vector location isn't zero
C166CL-21973 option --implicit_include not passed to CP166 by EDE
C166CL-21979 S3: assertion failed - Please report with demo version
C166CL-21985 cphnw() used in stead of cpfnw() when passing struct return value to function
C166CL-22019 W91 no prototype for function: record_needed_destruction
C166CL-22036 File specific macros do not work
C166CL-22073 Reserved memory from 0F200h - 0F9FFh probably not correct
C166CL-22104 XVW ROM uses all resources
C166CL-22131 section VECTAB_BASE cannot be located when building monitor m167d.sre
C166CL-22132 S502: assertion failed - please report
C166CL-22135 Missing warning W 130 when assigning function pointer
C166CL-22144 Old value used when passing a struct to a function with compiler option -S
C166CL-22145 CAN area not reserved for derivates without a SYSCON3 register
C166CL-22147 Undesreved W 130: "operands of %s are pointers to different types" using enum
C166CL-22161 S 767: al_freestack(): invalid addressing mode.
C166CL-22162 ?FPDATA section still generated
C166CL-22163 ?FPSP still used in library
C166CL-22164 SECSIZE when linking produces faulty linker object
C166CL-22165 _USMLIB macro undefined
C166CL-22167 Stack example does not build from Ede/templates do not work
C166CL-22168 option -tused still invoked to CP166 when using option -tall
C166CL-22169 DAvE generated BUSCONx wait states not filled in correctly in your startup code
C166CL-22172 BUSCONx, WDT, and XPERCON are not automatically imported from DAvE
C166CL-22174 Assembler error E 224: undefined symbol(s) when using DAvE
C166CL-22175 value of RSTCON not reflected in the startup code
C166CL-22178 Protected libs not selected for certain -B suboptions
C166CL-22194 TITLE and DATE strings not printed correctly in listing
C166CL-22196 Unable to use user defined target for crossview
C166CL-22201 subtraction of shuge pointers is not correct
C166CL-22203 Space in front of warning number leads to: F 7: cannot open "number"
C166CL-22205 FSS doesn't display and correct the input from keyboard
C166CL-22211 Memory model not passed to c compiler when using C++
C166CL-22213 "S 508: assertion failed, please report" using sfrbits inside a structure
C166CL-22218 Incorrect mask for SYSCON3
C166CL-22219 London Eva configuration file named wrongly
C166CL-22225 Wrong names in cstartx.asm for BUSCONx_BTYP when using DAvE2
C166CL-22228 Assembler cannot open include file
C166CL-22236 C++ option --suppress_vtbl results in: action exited with value 1
C166CL-22238 Application error
C166CL-22240 C166.H is outdated.
C166CL-22241 S 524: can not do conversion
C166CL-22242 Cannot change RWDC fiels for BUSCON registers using UTAH165 processor
C166CL-22244 Jump prefetch hint bit encoded in CALLA
C166CL-22248 Prefetch hint bit set for external symbols
C166CL-22250 XFW166: cannot open other source file when using 'Source and Disassembly' mode
C166CL-22251 Getting W162 and invalid symbol values during locating
C166CL-22252 W 34: Illegal redefinition of _USMLIB macro
C166CL-22263 Fatal exception when compiling EXT2 assembly code
C166CL-22264 Compiler reserves not enough user stack for inline function
C166CL-22267 macro substitution in path name of abs file
C166CL-22268 RSTOUT2_DIS not set correctly in startup code
C166CL-22284 Simulator error when DPP value is greater than 255 (4Mbyte)
C166CL-22287 Assembler generates wrong bitaddress when no bitaddress specified
C166CL-22289 Fatal error when locating using RESOLVEDPP
C166CL-22290 Using XBCON yields incorrect settings
C166CL-22294 "E 376: only one register definition per module" with Strict Task Concept
C166CL-22297 USB and the EPEC controller for the 161U cannot be configured in EDE
C166CL-22298 SYSCON3, bit 11 and 12 (USBTDIS) cannot be configured for 165UTAH
C166CL-22308 CrossView generates a lot of 'unknown records'
C166CL-22313 XBCON settings still wrong
C166CL-22343 EOP symbol pointing to wrong location for inline vectors
C166CL-22366 Segmentation fault/protection failure in m166
C166CL-22371 No initialization of (system) registers when using the ROM Monitor
C166CL-22388 Missing W 126: missing return (function: \"%s\")
C166CL-22397 'Stack Window' and 'Return from function' do not work without debug info
C166CL-22405 wrong DPP used for addressing indexed array element
C166CL-22445 Dark screen when using 'F1' help in CrossView Pro for Linux
C166CL-22447 Listing of inline vectors in map file confusing
C166CL-22449 Mixing asmlineinfo and C HLL info corrupts debugging info
C166CL-22453 Ext2 system stack location too late
C166CL-22454 PRINT control does not pass print file name
C166CL-22458 Project files are visually duplicated when using long filenames
C166CL-22461 wrong labels are shown in CrossView at address zero
C166CL-22462 SDA6000 startup configuration for XBUS peripherals
C166CL-22475 S655: assertion failed - please report
C166CL-22503 C166 generates illegal '-' characters in section names and name directives
C166CL-22529 wrong conversion from a long on stack/_far to a double
C166CL-22533 Pointer to a function returning a bit calculated wrong
C166CL-22534 --suppress_typeinfo_vars not accepted by cc166
C166CL-22538 Memory window: address selection failure
C166CL-22540 e_sfr and sfr definitions in reg163.h are not correct
C166CL-22543 Unable to locate when using ORDER
C166CL-22544 option -cs does not work anymore for assembly files
C166CL-22546 pipeline problem in startup code, in user stack model
C166CL-22547 RTCEN bit in XPERCON missing for CPU ST10F269
C166CL-22554 R4 overwritten in assignment statement with compiler option -OC -P
C166CL-22561 m166 option LINES results in an application error
C166CL-22581 Simulated I/O does not work: parameter "stream" not found
C166CL-22584 wrong code for pointer to structure assignment in case statement
C166CL-22585 "F 007: cannot execute command" when using multiple executable paths
C166CL-22589 missing definitions in reg269.def
C166CL-22593 Compiler option -Ot generated when 'no optimization' is selected
C166CL-22614 S 643 on div/mul functions with a function as argument
C166CL-22617 E 200 illegal character when using high ASCII in merged C line (c166 -s)
C166CL-22629 no assembler warning W 101 when a primary control is being used twice
C166CL-22633 no error or warning when DAvE ASM file is not filled in
C166CL-22639 _atbit in a C++ class gives: E 65: expected a ";"
C166CL-22646 C166 C Compiler User Guide, section 6.1: Erroneous library descriptions
C166CL-22650 Safer C rules are not represented correctly in the *.sfc file
C166CL-22651 Option file not stored with extension .opt
C166CL-22653 Safer C rules from option file are not imported automatically
C166CL-22663 BYTDIS and ADDRSELx from dave.dpt file not imported correctly
C166CL-22669 Rtlib copy routines near to/from far/huge are failing on page boundaries
C166CL-22685 Ghost breakpoint
C166CL-22698 prelk166: error: cannot create temporary file "name"
C166CL-22701 compiler v7.0r1 hangs on error message E42: syntax error
C166CL-22708 Wrong control EXTEND2 generated by CC166 when using X2191
C166CL-22712 function prototypes from string.h not listed in C166.h
C166CL-22742 S 655: (line 23) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-22747 Interface card for CAN communication cannot be selected
C166CL-22754 S3: assertion failed error using MISRA C
C166CL-22756 addresses in assembly list file not correct after ORG
C166CL-22762 E 209: _demo.ilo, line 19: module scope demo: file not in invocation
C166CL-22763 cc166 -tmp option does not work correctly
C166CL-22770 Stack underflow trap when changing STKUN
C166CL-22772 AR166 does not include all files
C166CL-22796 Long section names truncated in mapfile
C166CL-22799 conversion problem from float to long
C166CL-22816 CrossView communication window greyed out for user defined evironment
C166CL-22818 Missing definitions for PICON and FOCON in register files
C166CL-22826 unable to install on Win2000: "destination folder is invalid"
C166CL-22827 Undeserved function call to cif44r
C166CL-22829 missing definition in reg161ci and reg161si
C166CL-22842 application error when updating data
C166CL-22846 FSS is always included in a C++ project
C166CL-22849 E 204: _test.ilo, line xx: syntax error
C166CL-22862 S 3 assertion failed in large memory model
C166CL-22864 Error: No build target specified. Please select a build target first.
C166CL-22865 assembler option EXTEND2 not generated by CC166 when using -x2
C166CL-22873 Exception handler fails
C166CL-22874 S3 error: assertion failed
C166CL-22881 S502: assertion failed - please report
C166CL-22893 Segment address error for sections located > 1Mb and -i16 option
C166CL-22895 STARTUP error CS1 always enabled
C166CL-22897 STARTUP error FCONCS bad configuration order
C166CL-22906 CrossView continuous memory allocation
C166CL-22910 E 016: unhandled input file: name.out
C166CL-22924 S3 - assertion failed
C166CL-22961 'Preprocess only and capture output' in EDE does not work
C166CL-22964 E 207: missing brace
C166CL-22965 'RAM size' and 'ROM filled' not correct in list file (SUM control)
C166CL-22989 Stack variables not shown correctly by the simulator
C166CL-23020 EASY UTAH 161U : OCDS - JTAG connection failes: JTAG: No Start Bit
C166CL-23029 S3 assertion failed on complex expression
C166CL-23030 Fatal error: Missing range record(s) for section: C166_US
C166CL-23039 Erroneous constant folding.
C166CL-23040 signed long to double conversion not correct
C166CL-23041 Symbol of interrupt function -inlined part- multiple defined in link-stage.
C166CL-23049 CSE not correct
C166CL-23052 S656: Assertion failed error
C166CL-23058 Incorrect char/int/long/float -> double conversion with a pointer
C166CL-23059 W 127: file.ilo, line x: environment variable '$NAME' not set
C166CL-23060 Wrong code for bit to int conversion function argument with option -Og
C166CL-23071 Incorrect treatment of NULL macro
C166CL-23072 wrong message "Soft breaks not supported" when no breakpoints are left
C166CL-23073 extended characters are not shown by CrossView
C166CL-23074 Text from VIO output window cannot be copied to the clipboard
C166CL-23093 Address not converted to huge
C166CL-23094 C-escape characters are not translated correctly anymore
C166CL-23100 QNAN (not a number) and INF (infinite) not shown clearly by CrossView
C166CL-23101 CP166 application error
C166CL-23105 Only one byte of the expression is used by the 'memory fill' window
C166CL-23115 TQ-Systems boards are not described
C166CL-23118 Wrong behaviour after the Cumulative Profiler has been set
C166CL-23122 bit WDTPRE, peripheral clock input frequency devider, cannot be set for 167CS
C166CL-23127 CrossView accepts multiple breakpionts at same address
C166CL-23136 -Dmacro="name" cannot be used by the control program cc166
C166CL-23146 Bad MAC-instr dissassembly in CrossView
C166CL-23165 Fatal error: cannot parse a.out symbol record
C166CL-23179 S 655: (line 80) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-23184 E 355: invalid operand type
C166CL-23185 Cannot see certain options in the ...Syscon tab for C161PI
C166CL-23188 "E 7: unrecognized token" when using C++ preprocessor options -E or -P
C166CL-23191 'Assign address...' menu does not work for flat interrupt concept
C166CL-23195 L166 application error
C166CL-23196 "S 524 assertion failed" when the address of a struct is casted to 'long'
C166CL-246 function qualifiers excluded from prototyping
C166CL-30036 wrong initialization of XPERCON in eva269.cfg and fsf_280.cfg
C166CL-30052 EXPECT warning control is aplied to other NOWARNING controls as well
C166CL-30080 $NOWA(..) controls are ignored when NOWA(0..2) is being used on the command line
C166CL-30089 S 644 assertion error in large model
C166CL-30096 80C166-W a.o. not supported completely in startup
C166CL-30117 wrong code when the addres of a variable is assigned to a const variable
C166CL-30124 L166 does not support reserving PECC ptrs > PECC7
C166CL-30129 CrossView doesn't display the correct INUM value for interrupt address
C166CL-30155 S 3 Assertion failed on empty for-loop with MISRA-C 35/65
C166CL-30223 S 3: assertion failed
C166CL-30238 E 270: _system variables cannot be located at another address than 0C000h
C166CL-30258 S524 assertion failed error when a float is converted to a character pointer
C166CL-30282 MAC register handled as a memory location
C166CL-30305 incorrect user stack access within an extended segment (EXTS) instruction
C166CL-30336 Stack size for super10 in expert mode should be in words
C166CL-30344 Use relative paths in .pjt for source files with file-specific options
C166CL-30346 SFR bit PWDCFG is not set by EDE
C166CL-30353 The macropreproc. hangs when a macro definition is added at 'Define macro(s)'
C166CL-30367 CrossView must be killed with Task-Manager under win32
C166CL-30372 S 655 assertion failed - please report
C166CL-30392 serve the watchdog timer after CALLEINIT in the startup code
C166CL-30407 Unexpected results for Long%Int in case of an overflow
C166CL-30421 Peephole problem on _prior() followed by compare to zero
C166CL-30423 compiler generates empty constant ROM data section
C166CL-30433 Uncheck of "Save desktop and target settings" still writes xvw.ini
C166CL-30444 Linker/Locater suppress error message with NOWA
C166CL-30453 Sharing xvw.ini between multiple projects in same directory
C166CL-30461 Bits 5,6,7 (IOM-2, USB, EPEC) of XPERCON are not reflected in the startup code
C166CL-30485 SFR bits are missing in the reg269 header files
C166CL-30490 CPU21 bypass code is not listed in EDE
C166CL-30494 CrossView doesn't display the correct INUM value for interrupt address
C166CL-30498 Number of chip select pins for EBCMOD0 must be set to 5 instead of 8
C166CL-30515 S 3 assertion error when using STL-lib in large memory model
C166CL-30527 S 666: (line 21) internal consistency check failed - cannot continue
C166CL-30537 HLL assembly debug information from include file not available in CrossView
C166CL-30539 user stack libraries are linked when using option -WaEP
C166CL-30550 DPP prefix is ignored by the assembler
C166CL-30560 XPERCON reset value should be dependend of CPU type
C166CL-30567 Illegal Word Operand Trap when using packed structs
C166CL-30569 S 524: assertion failed with huge pointer conversions
C166CL-30579 Small errors to FCONS and TCONBURSTCS
C166CL-30586 Word access on packed data
C166CL-30587 Obsolete compiler switch -safer is still generated
C166CL-30588 Multiplying a signed int by an unsigned int yields an unsigned int
C166CL-30589 L166 must generate an error when a constant exceeds a 16 bits value.
C166CL-30596 IHEX166 -O option results in range record error
C166CL-30600 Bit definitions in a register file are missing
C166CL-30601 -Ow and -Oq/Q options aren't generated by EDE
C166CL-30617 CLKOUT cannot be set in EDE for the ST10F168 derivate
C166CL-30618 Assertion failed for conditional expression returning structs
C166CL-30619 default subflags missing in c compiler usage
C166CL-30626 BUSCON0 is set to 0x0, yielding external memory unaccessable
C166CL-30627 Relative paths in include path not supported
C166CL-30636 Hour calculation in strftime incorrect for %I flag.
C166CL-30639 Structs are padded resulting in a size of an odd number of bytes.
C166CL-30661 Copying a double precision double is not always done correctly
C166CL-30663 CPUTYPE macro not documented
C166CL-30668 Infineon DAvE usage not described in manual
C166CL-30679 m166 crashes after too many comments in C module
C166CL-30680 Compiler accepts invalid option
C166CL-30687 def files define registers after defining their individual bits
C166CL-30689 S656: Assertion failed error
C166CL-30690 Function pointer cannot be right operand of comma operator
C166CL-30693 Illegal code is generated for a bit comparison with a constant
C166CL-30697 XPERCON setting controls are grayes out when C167CS is selected
C166CL-30701 Register XADRS5 is not represented in EDE | BUS Configuration tab
C166CL-30702 Some of DAvE's settings are not imported correctly when using the C167CS
C166CL-30709 wmk -V option does not produce any output
C166CL-30711 Simulator crash on CoMov instruction
C166CL-30714 Void pointer can not be used as an expression
C166CL-30732 E 329: JMP out of range for JB instructions.
C166CL-30751 assertion failed (S 524) when casting float/double to char*
C166CL-30781 no error message is generated when the one's complement operand is a bit type
C166CL-30792 Import of option file not correct
C166CL-30840 Interrupt vector table for ROM Monitor with dual vector table is not correct
C166CL-30841 no warning is generated when an empty ROM section is placed in RAM
C166CL-30843 BUSCON and ADDRSEL must be included in the *.cfg file of the ROM Monitor
C166CL-30861 R14 not initialized when expression recognition is enabled
C166CL-30880 compiler should generate an error for incompatible _atbit declaration
C166CL-30881 incorrect CPU workaround implementation for option -BN
C166CL-30882 Contents tracer erroneously caches a register value
C166CL-30889 control program option -c++ does not call CP166 for a file with extension *.c
C166CL-30896 bit struct placed in bit addressable RAM with pragma autobitstruct 0
C166CL-30897 W177 disables with option -Ob
C166CL-30900 XC16x doesn't support SYSCON2 however advanced tab does
C166CL-30966 Incorrect implementation of -BZcpu_jmpra_cache siliconbug workaround
C166CL-30979 "E 222: unresolved symbol" using C++ and templates with c166 -o .\subdir\...
C166CL-30982 cc166 -o option does not work when a subdirectory is involved
C166CL-30986 S 647: (line 5) internal consistency check failed - cannot continue
C166CL-31001 macro __PLLCON defined instead of PLLCON
C166CL-31002 CrossView Simulator allows to change SYSCON after EINIT
C166CL-31003 S 673: (line 15) assertion failed
C166CL-31004 E 224: undefined symbol 'TCONBURSTCS1' for CPU XC161/164
C166CL-31008 CrossView application error when using OCDS
C166CL-31012 E 229: symbol 'name' already defined
C166CL-31021 -t output incorrect after #pragma restore_attributes
C166CL-31025 Incorrect instruction reordering when casting address of long to int pointer
C166CL-31036 "Assign address to esternal symbol" control not generated by EDE
C166CL-31049 Assertion error S723 or S 548 is generated.
C166CL-31067 S 508 no addressing mode for object-type: 0x100c
C166CL-31076 Put the value 0xffff into MDL when an overflow occurs after DIVLU
C166CL-31078 E 231: module name: index in symbol table out of range
C166CL-31079 PLLCON output devider not set correctly (ext2 architecture only)
C166CL-31086 PLLCON set to 01h instead of the value from the EDE menu
C166CL-31087 S 567 corrupt section administration
C166CL-31090 Address data breakpoint not set when browsing for a global variable
C166CL-31097 E 292: illegal operand combination
C166CL-31106 CrossView could not handle correctly invalid breakpoints
C166CL-31118 SYSCON3 not initialized in startup code using ext2 architecture
C166CL-31119 ext2 architecture, CPUCON2 bit 7 (EIOIAEN) is not initialized in startup code
C166CL-31120 EBCMOD1 is missing in EDE for CPU XC164
C166CL-31129 Pointer incremented twice
C166CL-31144 S 502: assertion failed - struct pointer cannot be passed to same struct
C166CL-31157 BFLDH and BFLDL implementation does not work for V1/V2 cores
C166CL-31159 BFLDH and BFLDL implementation does not work for V1/V2 cores
C166CL-31163 ext2 lib function signed divide returns wrong value
C166CL-31168 DAvE import instructions not mentioned in the manual and help files
C166CL-31176 wrong return value from sizeof operator for undefined packed structs
C166CL-31178 m166 does not return after error with REPEAT function
C166CL-31185 The CAN ROM Monitor interrupt routine overwrites R1 and R12
C166CL-31200 Parser error: syntax error at symbol #xx
C166CL-31202 "C:\Document.." cannot be found, wmk: *** action exited with value 1
C166CL-31203 Incorrect implementation of -BZc166sv1ext workaround option
C166CL-31210 udil and umol make no difference between MAC or NOMAC for ext2 architecture
C166CL-31216 S 524: cannot do conversion on ?: operator with function returning struct
C166CL-31231 The _packed keyword is not working in a union
C166CL-31237 Wrong size optimization
C166CL-31238 crash of realloc when the HEAP is allocated two bytes before a page boundary
C166CL-31239 fgets does not work properly when the HEAP is allocated outside page 0
C166CL-31256 monitor boot routine does not initialize serial I/O when syscon1 has changed
C166CL-31260 S3 assertion error
C166CL-31274 undeserved warning W 130: operands of '=' are pointers to different types
C166CL-31275 DPP prefix is ignored by the assembler
C166CL-31280 cached interrupts for XC16x controller not supported in EDE and the startup code
C166CL-31281 BNKSELx registers cannot be initialized for XC16x controller
C166CL-31282 The number of selectable address and chip select pins is not right for XC16x
C166CL-31283 SYSCON2 is replaced by PLLCON for the XC16x controller
C166CL-31303 CrossView doesn't set back the hardware breakpoints after a target reset
C166CL-31305 importing DAvE project with CPU=C161JC not supported yet
C166CL-31309 undeserved MISRA C rule 114 violation
C166CL-31323 errors in file reg164cm.def lead to assembly error E 204 and E 333
C166CL-31335 CrossView does not halt when running the demo project with RAM Monitor
C166CL-31336 No HLL debug info (source lines) generated for *.src file
C166CL-31360 CrossView doesn't remove disabled HW breakpoints from target
C166CL-31373 warning 113 not issued when DPPTR and DBPTR are not aligned
C166CL-31374 Warning 184 not issued when it should be in case of modifying MDL/H with a POP
C166CL-31381 E 561: illegal storage class for sfr/sfrbit inside template
C166CL-31400 CrossView ignores command line options
C166CL-31407 macro _C166 for the version number is not available in C++
C166CL-31411 SYSCON3 checkbox 'Enable Real Time Clock' must be grayed out
C166CL-31417 a166 v7.5r2 (Linux) crashes when the EXTPEC control is used.
C166CL-31422 cp166 application error for an empty block in an inline function
C166CL-31424 S 3: assertion failed - please report (due to bit field members without a name)
C166CL-31426 Note: could not get target execution status: ExecGetStatus(): JTAG: No Start Bit
C166CL-31431 Wrong DPP used by l166 for absolute section in third page of a segment
C166CL-31434 Window positions are not saved correctly
C166CL-31446 OSEK radm v2.1 display's values shorter then 32-bits as 32-bits values
C166CL-31454 Warnings W68, W69 and W183 when using STL library 'string'
C166CL-31468 CrossView BROWSE button doesn't work within the comparing application dialog
C166CL-31477 Missing MAC section in reg276.def
C166CL-31485 default r/w breakpoint not support by OCDS
C166CL-31489 CrossView does not wait until the reset is released when using OCDS
C166CL-31494 duplicate entries in file reg269.h
C166CL-31495 CrossView error: can't open *.dll for communication
C166CL-31498 Bit type not recognized by CrossView when using "typedef _bit"
C166CL-31502 CrossView option file not showed at option string in EDE window
C166CL-31504 incorrect synchronization in m166 with source assembly code
C166CL-31507 Bit 10 of XPERCON is set for ST10F269
C166CL-31508 Typo in monitor name in fsf_super10bo_fbd.cfg file
C166CL-31514 CrossView can't continue with script file when xvw.cws file isn't correct
C166CL-31577 E 238: 3D4Ch.0 is not in the bit-addressable range involving _x
C166CL-31583 Wrong double conversion fuction called.
C166CL-31586 Float error "Out of range E 109" not appropriate
C166CL-31590 WDTCON not initialized when using DAvE
C166CL-31599 IHEX166 -I option: number of bytes in a single line not always correct
C166CL-31604 -BZcpu_reti_int results in warning W147 return from extend instruction block
C166CL-31607 Compiler accesses memory mapped GPR for ext2 architectures
C166CL-31609 Registers are not always memory mapped in the ext2 architecture
C166CL-31612 Variable addressed through incorrect DPP
C166CL-31621 wrong calculation of expression
C166CL-31626 CrossView shows the wrong address
C166CL-31628 W 183: variable '$foo$y' possibly uninitialized
C166CL-31639 E 418: section 'name', location 'address': value hexnumber does not fit in 4 bit
C166CL-31654 RESERVE INTTBL control assumes wrong vector table address
C166CL-31655 Crossview crashes when started with --easycode command line argument.
C166CL-31661 Floating point libs are only added when large print formatter is selected
C166CL-31662 wrong offset in jump instruction
C166CL-31668 E 323: section boundary (length) overflow (underflow)
C166CL-31688 Word fetch from an odd adress when using va_arg
C166CL-31690 E 216: (line 1) missing brace
C166CL-31695 sprintf outputs wrong value when using float prescision specifier
C166CL-31711 Monitor with RS232 connection support for v2 core boards like XC161 and XC164
C166CL-31730 __ctype_ unresolved
C166CL-31736 W 113: location counter not on an even address
C166CL-31760 CPUCON2, bit EIOIAEN is always cleared in cstartx2.asm
C166CL-31761 FCONCS1 enabled when ADDRSEL1 at the advanced tab is enetered
C166CL-31764 constructor does not take memory type qualifier into account
C166CL-31767 XPERCON not initialized when using the direct register setting (ST10F269)
C166CL-31770 wrong symbolic debug information for packed structs
C166CL-31772 S 503: (line 19) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-31793 Allow interrupt service routine to be served when program is halted
C166CL-31796 MP bit ignored after 16 x 16 MAC operation
C166CL-31797 Memory window in CrossView shows wrong contents for address 0xff50 (super10)
C166CL-31798 dump command failure
C166CL-31813 Linker/locator control CC not generated by EDE
C166CL-31814 variables in bit addressable RAM are always cleared, despite of #pragma noclear
C166CL-31829 W 137: module ... class 'CSYSTEM' overrides 'CINITIRAM' for group 'C166_SGROUP'
C166CL-31832 CrossView doesn't check address when stepping of breakpoint
C166CL-31840 Locator does not always give a warning on overlapping sections
C166CL-31847 Option 'Map ROM sections in unused internal RAM area" greyed out for 167CS
C166CL-31854 Toolchain and directories are not in sync anymore after missing pop up window
C166CL-31855 CP166 sometimes crashes when option -M or --dependencies is used
C166CL-31865 S 3 assertion error when using a wildcard
C166CL-31866 malloc run-time error when crossing a page boundary (medium/large memory model)
C166CL-31887 ERROR: regxc161cj.def, line 86: undefined register name 'ASC0_CON'
C166CL-31896 E 231: module cc533ffb.lno (cc533ffb): index in symbol table out of range
C166CL-31905 W 164: ignoring '#line' directive while generating debug info
C166CL-31906 E 200: illegal character
C166CL-31942 Wrong behaviour when using an input file
C166CL-31948 E 222: module time.obj (TIME_C): symbol '__udil': unresolved
C166CL-31960 E 412: value ... does not fit in one word in expression involving ?USRSTACK_TOP
C166CL-31980 Input frequency of watch dog timer inverted when importing from DAvE
C166CL-31986 CC166 option -c -tmp -o directory\file doesn't work for .src files
C166CL-31987 I 900: internal error l166(test.c,821): inconsistent symbol table
C166CL-31989 S 643 assertion failed error
C166CL-31990 Unaligned access when pointer to function returning a bit is a struct member.
C166CL-31994 When RTS/CTS handshake is selected XVW hangs when connecting
C166CL-31999 Wrong calculation of expression with constants
C166CL-32005 Undeserved W 573: conversion of long address to short address
C166CL-32012 Control program doesn't put tempory files in output directory
C166CL-32017 E 619: "__3_21_x" undefined in inline assembly pragma
C166CL-32024 Optimization run time problem when optimizing for speed
C166CL-32041 There is symbolic line information generated when option NOLINES is activated
C166CL-32042 m166 crashes when there is a space after a DEFINE control
C166CL-32043 Assembler crash when option XR (cross reference table) is being used
C166CL-32046 wrong return value for unsigned long
C166CL-32048 Wrong line number information listed in the *.obj file
C166CL-32057 undeserved E 64: incompatible redeclaration of variable
C166CL-32076 Assembler warning W 155 is switched should be switched on by default
C166CL-32081 Symbols in common sections get extra offset
C166CL-32086 Bypass Kfm_BR03 not listed in EDE (compiler option -BN)
C166CL-32087 'Enable on-chip I2C bus module' greyed out for XC161CJ
C166CL-32105 Invalid error: E 154: argument #1: struct/union mismatch
C166CL-32109 EDE switch table option not appropriate
C166CL-32114 Constants suffixed with "U" or "u" are affected by the -Au option
C166CL-32129 Command line defines (-D) through -f option not interpreted properly by compiler
C166CL-32140 application error for c166.exe
C166CL-32144 Total ROM filled shows zero for the demo example
C166CL-32147 keyword _inline ignored by cp166 when pragma asm is being used
C166CL-32168 Registers ADDRESLx and FCONCSx (x=5-7) are not reflected in the startup code
C166CL-32170 E 220: illegal control 'CU'
C166CL-32175 Initialize FINTxADDR with adderss of user defined interrupt function at startup
C166CL-32182 CrossView command line switches --radm and --orti are not documented
C166CL-32216 System stack located at default address instead of user defined location (ext2)
C166CL-32227 wrong value for current location counter $
C166CL-32244 Assembler error E 232 with option -zfragment or #pragma fragment
C166CL-32252 The locator assigns DPP1 to page 3, instead of using DPP3
C166CL-32292 Not enough system stack for dhrystone example when using ext2 monitor
C166CL-32298 EDE crashes with : Access Violation at 101AD... etc.
C166CL-32330 The control program does not properly handle multiple .ilo files
C166CL-32332 CrossView does not accept new lines in expressions in an ORTI file.
C166CL-32333 Locator issues syntax error on PRINT control with spaces in map file name
C166CL-32344 undeserved error "E 316: CALL or JMP out of range" issued by the assembler
C166CL-32355 not all generated files are stored in the alternate output directory
C166CL-32356 'Step over' button not working in CrossView when using the 'User stack' model
C166CL-32388 Warnings: overlapping code ranges, line record without function: ignored
C166CL-32398 Columns of CrossView's ORTI information window cannot be resized
C166CL-32403 Instruction used to replace NOP while PSW-flags are in use.
C166CL-32433 Wrong value for EBCMOD0 in configuration file inf_xc167ci_ocds_demux.cfg
C166CL-32435 XC16x single chip application cannot be flashed by CrossView
C166CL-32440 missing timer simulation for the XC16x Simulator
C166CL-32451 Assember reports syntax error in invocation on source filename with spaces
C166CL-32455 Register EXICON (write protected after EINIT) must be added to the startup code
C166CL-32463 ROM/RAM memory areas not reflected in configuration file
C166CL-32470 Initialisation code called when initialisation sections are not available
C166CL-32472 Timer breakpoints do not work in CrossView
C166CL-32476 Vector in map file listed as offset instead of a 24 bits absolute address
C166CL-32479 PLLCON not supported in startup code
C166CL-32482 Wrong static initializer generated
C166CL-32486 I 900: command line: internal error l166(handler,11): please report
C166CL-32491 Only 6 registers can be listed after einit: in the configuration file
C166CL-32492 No appropriate error message shown for syntax error in configuration file
C166CL-32493 No error generated when nonsegmented section is located outside segment zero
C166CL-32497 propagation of constant initializers (-Aw) does not always work
C166CL-32498 names of XSFR registers are not displayed in disassembly view of CrossView
C166CL-32499 XC16x registers must be initialized before EINIT when using OCDS
C166CL-32501 Instruction scheduled outside loop
C166CL-32502 XPEREMU must be progammed after XPERCON and SYSCON
C166CL-32509 Wrong address for DP4 in register definition files
C166CL-32523 CrossView should save the CAN settings from communication setup
C166CL-32524 W 135: Interal IO area element overlaps previously reserved element
C166CL-32538 There is no flash workspace option in EDE
C166CL-32539 TwinCAN interrupt control registers not in register files
C166CL-32568 W 513: command line: control SET(SECTIONS=...) is deprecated
C166CL-32572 FOCON and ISNC sfr's are unknown for the C167CR derivatives.
C166CL-32583 "-M option: bad range" issued by IHEX166
C166CL-32586 Wrong address calculated for pointer access
C166CL-32602 cannot change directory to c:\projectdirectoryc:\projectdirectory\outputs
C166CL-32605 DP7 bits 0-3 defined instead of bits 4-7 for the C161CS derivative
C166CL-32608 Wrong line number information generated by the macro preprocessor
C166CL-32622 cc166: E 022: unrecognized command line option: --define-macro
C166CL-32628 E 282: data group 'C166_DGROUP' cannot be located in one page
C166CL-32629 F 301: can't open 'uext2\stlo166l.lib'
C166CL-32630 Empty DATA section placed outside RAM memory
C166CL-32634 Pointer register overwritten.
C166CL-32636 VECSEG in configuration file must point to RAM when flashing
C166CL-32637 Download with IXXAT CAN interface is very slow
C166CL-32645 CrossView doesn't generate an error message when flashing failed
C166CL-32647 E 64: incompatible redeclaration of "..." when class name is redefined
C166CL-32661 No address record generated by ihex166 for code section
C166CL-32669 Missing RTC_IC (Real Time Clock) esrf register/bits for XC16x header files
C166CL-32670 Additional COM ports for serial debugging
C166CL-32673 S 869 assertion error
C166CL-32674 MISRAC rule list in assembly source incorrect
C166CL-32675 C compiler extremely slow with switch due to DFAP and reordering
C166CL-32680 ESFR address for RTC_CON and RTC_ISNC are wrong
C166CL-32684 C++ preprocessor macro's passed with non-existant --define-macro option
C166CL-32693 CC8IC - CC11IC registers missing from reg164ci/si
C166CL-32694 CPU.3 problem check reports at non-affected instruction
C166CL-32702 scanf for medium formatter includes float support
C166CL-32729 CALLA translated into JMPA when no optimization (NOOP) is being used
C166CL-32731 Support for reading IHEX166 options from file
C166CL-32735 A166 crashes when using assembler control XREF
C166CL-32744 S 869: assertion failed - please report
C166CL-32757 ADDRSELx initialized after BUSCONx
C166CL-32758 C++ map file named with extension, causing assembler problem
C166CL-32759 F 342: relocation error: address beyond section end
C166CL-32763 C167CSx40 XPERCON bits cannot be changed individually
C166CL-32782 XC16x header and definition files errata
C166CL-32785 umol and udiv save MAC sfr's on system stack when using User Stack model
C166CL-32789 type_info must be in namespace std even when --no-namespaces is specified
C166CL-32792 Bitfield optimization creates incorrect mask
C166CL-32809 Compiler optimization -Oq not correct in small model
C166CL-32810 Wrong bit addressed when using inline function
C166CL-32821 Aligned and combined section can cause gap that is not filled
C166CL-32826 Simulator doesn't support the ILLOPA trap on odd address
C166CL-32844 regbank not generated with pragma noframe
C166CL-32848 S 659: (line 11) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-32862 single stepping does not always work properly when SFR registers are debugged
C166CL-32863 Linker/Locater generates extra sections for inline vector interrupts
C166CL-32868 CrossView displays that source file has fewer lines then expected
C166CL-32882 CrossView can't flash 32-bit onchip flash device ST10F276
C166CL-32887 -M option: bad range.
C166CL-32899 Warning: BB<n> blocks nested too deep: blocksize set to 0
C166CL-32900 destructor called after object is not created when using the ternary operator
C166CL-32902 Linker/locator control CODEINROM/NOCODEINROM not documented
C166CL-32928 E 257: module main.obj (MAIN_C): unknown predefined symbol '?INTVECT'
C166CL-32929 DPP0 not initialized when using a far variable
C166CL-32945 compiler generates ?LINE 0 when # lines > 65535
C166CL-32984 CrossViews cumulative profiling report is running out of range
C166CL-32992 ODP7 bits 0-3 defined instead of bits 4-7 for XC161CS and XC161CJ derivatives
C166CL-33006 C bit variables not initialized
C166CL-33010 E 292: illegal operand combination
C166CL-33014 Simulator cycle counter not modified for the ext2 architecture
C166CL-33016 E 77: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
C166CL-33030 CrossView crashes when .cfg register initializations exceed 256 characters
C166CL-33038 Wrong memory area reserved for C166 CPU
C166CL-33039 CrossView Simulator Super10 crashes with Nullstone
C166CL-33045 EDE generated macro preprocessor options are not passed to a .cmp file anymore
C166CL-33053 E 30: include file "name.h" not found
C166CL-33054 map file shows wrong address for ZEROS and ONES
C166CL-33057 No warning issued for conflicting memory qualifiers in a struct
C166CL-33064 CoSHL, CoSHR and CoASHR are not simulated correctly when count is set to 16
C166CL-33069 S 3: (line 243) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-33097 Flash could not be flashed when starting from address 0 for C167/ST10 devices
C166CL-33098 F 308: out of memory when TITLE command used for macro preprocessor
C166CL-33101 Register content not valid in second loop run
C166CL-33111 CrossView error message: Illegal digit 9 in octal number
C166CL-33112 ODP7/DP7 bits missing for XC167
C166CL-33126 S 723: (line 17) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-33127 S 523: (line 19) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-33131 TwinCAN and Flash control registers not listed in reg276 files
C166CL-33140 CrossView Pro dialog disappears when IEEE-695 file is not generated
C166CL-33145 The keyword '_interrupt' cannot be used for fast interrupts (ext2 architecture)
C166CL-33146 E 204: syntax error on token SCALING
C166CL-33152 BUSCON0 bit 9-10 cannot be cleared during startup when CPU21 bypass is activated
C166CL-33155 C-bit variables are not initialized
C166CL-33156 CrossView application error when CrossView flash setup is used
C166CL-33164 S 723: (line 6) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-33167 Indirect call-label in user stack model removed
C166CL-33172 Optimization decreases required STBUS1 ATOMIC range
C166CL-33182 S 524: (line 28) assertion failed - please report (using _packed structs)
C166CL-33196 character cast ignored
C166CL-33198 Flash programming not verified
C166CL-33207 wmk: Don't know how to make c:\projects\output\c:\projects\output\demo.lib
C166CL-33220 DP7 bit 4-7 not defined in 167xx header and definition files
C166CL-33226 E 117: "ASC1_CON_M" undefined
C166CL-33229 Error message and warnings when importing DAvE XC167CI project
C166CL-33246 Placing data breakpoint at 0xxxx failed: DiBreakpointSet: bad breakpoint type
C166CL-33247 CrossView Simulator may crash due to internal memory management problem.
C166CL-33249 EDE quits without any message for wrong drive letter in output directory path
C166CL-33251 OCDS connection lost after RETI instruction using Easy UTAH evaluation board
C166CL-33267 The XC16x ROM monitor uses reserved memory area 0xDF00 till 0xDFFF
C166CL-33271 IHEX166 generates wrong address record when using option -i16
C166CL-33272 CCx_OUT registers are read only
C166CL-33275 S 524: (line 5) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-33276 SFR registers are not initialized when flash device overlaps internal RAM
C166CL-33280 Path to sub-project's or library's source files not passed to CrossView
C166CL-33283 IHEX converter eliminates essential extended address record
C166CL-33289 single stepping EXTP instruction not correctly
C166CL-33319 Wrong code for specific case when common sub expression elimination is enabled
C166CL-33332 The SUMMARY of the map file always shows zero classes
C166CL-33336 E 204: syntax error on token MSW when using $EXTMAC
C166CL-33337 ios_writef not working as expected
C166CL-33342 C-pragmas are not always handled correctly by the C++ compiler
C166CL-33343 S 723: (line 1316) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-33352 Extended page sequence too short for packed struct member access
C166CL-33369 Incorrect behaviour of Simulator handling QX0 and QX1
C166CL-33374 PeripheralsStop:1 is not sufficient to suspend peripherals after OCDS break
C166CL-33375 register OPSEN not listed in XC16x register definition files
C166CL-33384 F 342: relocation error: address beyond section end
C166CL-33392 Register overwritten in _div_s32u16_s16() intrinsic.
C166CL-33393 tsw_argfile: argument too long
C166CL-33396 No easy way to define an empty macro in EDE
C166CL-33409 'Build|Options|Misc' menu removed
C166CL-33424 CrossView crashes after using 'Target | Flash setup | Check ID' button
C166CL-33426 E404: module xx: vector table scaling -65 is not supported
C166CL-33439 SFR registers PROCON and FSR are missing for XC16x controllers
C166CL-33452 Register sets 5 & 6 (ADDRSELx, FOCONCSx, TCONCSx) not used in XC16x derivatives
C166CL-33453 Not clear why Flash dialog is greyed out
C166CL-33466 Simulator can't load application and seperate binary file into one debug session
C166CL-33490 Compiler removes cast to long when shifting more than 15 times
C166CL-33510 S 642 assertion failed when -Av is used
C166CL-33527 OCDS connection with XC164CS 32F40F EES-BA stepping not working
C166CL-33529 atomic intrinsic modified by the compiler
C166CL-33550 E 33: "c" redefined
C166CL-33552 Asssembler hangs when using literals for ext2 core MAC registers
C166CL-33587 IEEE-695: Parser error caused by incorrect debug info from c166
C166CL-33588 Switch table still generated after switch statement optimized away
C166CL-33608 Generate makefiles for subprojects when master project is build
C166CL-33612 Error on MISRA C rule 37 unexpectedly generated on two dimensional array
C166CL-33631 MAC Intrinsics are not implemented in the C++ compiler
C166CL-33633 Smart generation of CALL instruction in generated startup code
C166CL-33649 W 518: page 6 assigned to DPP0
C166CL-33653 incorrect MISRA C errors
C166CL-33669 Compiler hangs with DFAP enabled and CSE disabled
C166CL-33675 EDE changes the order of user defined include files paths
C166CL-33676 No absolute path generated for linker/locator invocation file
C166CL-33677 User defined make file name changes to lower case after switching toolchain
C166CL-33697 DFAP optimization results in run-time error
C166CL-33700 GSO in large memory model not practical when using const and non-const
C166CL-33733 Incorrect result for comparing two bits
C166CL-33746 Missing registers in super10F397 register files
C166CL-33747 Additional sfr support for super10F397 register files
C166CL-33753 Faulty MAC unit Simulation result
C166CL-33761 After starting CrossView from EDE, CrossView crashes
C166CL-33771 Missing fast external interrupt control registers in C161U register files
C166CL-33779 E 252: expression syntax error when CPU.21 bypass is enabled
C166CL-33783 No assembler error if CoMACu repeat value is set to 32
C166CL-33798 ROM monitor for XC16x device couldn't change the CC1_T01CON SFR register
C166CL-33809 Incorrect interrupt vector for interrupt routine build with a previous product
C166CL-33837 The Simulator should not allow the application to change read-only memory
C166CL-33850 cc166: .c -> .asm with -cs yields same input and output file for m166
C166CL-33878 CrossView debugger doesn't show register name defined by DEFA
C166CL-33879 When specifying a user defined *.def file, the *.cfg file is not updated
C166CL-33880 It's not possible to initialize a read-only register when using the Simulator
C166CL-33888 WDTCON must be initialized before EINIT when using the ext2 architecture
C166CL-33891 CodeWright error: Internal virtual memory table is full, out of memory
C166CL-33908 E 410: protected function "A::a" is not accessible
C166CL-33921 S 723: assertion failed - please report
C166CL-33924 Simulator keeps on executing the same line
C166CL-33931 CrossView source lines disappears when source and disassembly is active
C166CL-33947 S 644: assertion failed - please report
C166CL-33955 l166 internal error when EDE option "Generate symbol table" is active
C166CL-33978 CrossView does not show system addresses defined with DEFA
C166CL-33987 Wrong upper address in address record when using ihex166 option -P
C166CL-33988 Simulator must be default when no board configuration is selected
C166CL-33992 Wrong BUSCON0 initialization in startup code
C166CL-33997 The simulator doesn't simulate CAPCOM interrupts in Compare Mode 0-3
C166CL-34010 CrossView tries to set user breakpoints while flashing the application
C166CL-34018 Simulator crashes when DIVL instruction is executed
C166CL-34020 variables defined with _at() do not show declaration when hovered
C166CL-34043 Cannot debug application with internal PRAM and Flash
C166CL-34054 Wrong source line showed when go to main
C166CL-34055 Not able to set breakpoint in source window
C166CL-34063 CrossView crashes easily when debugging with ROM/RAM Monitor
C166CL-34066 C166S V1 core does not have a SYSCON bit named XPERSHARE
C166CL-34080 Incorrect address for ST10F272B/ST10F272E flash registers
C166CL-34081 Registers MDL/MDH not preserved by the monitor
C166CL-34083 CrossView with OCDS doesn't wait until the reset is released on XC16x derivative
C166CL-34086 default time zone format string not terminated correctly in lib file _tzone.c
C166CL-34092 Incorrect mask for BUSCON0, must be 0x06C0 instead of 0x00C0
C166CL-34102 E 0: string buffer overflow
C166CL-34109 MRW must be cleared at the start of an interrupt routine with a MAC instruction
C166CL-34110 LL generates line information with address zero with Flat interrupt concept
C166CL-34131 CrossView shows wrong disassembly for register ZEROS
C166CL-34162 CrossView doesn't show source line in disassembly mode
C166CL-34191 CrossView crashes when switching target configuration
C166CL-34192 Assembler generates CALLA instead of CALLR for absolute code sections
C166CL-34193 Run-time error when using DFAP optimization
C166CL-34268 Wrong C166sv1 T2CON, T3CON and T4CON bit definitions
C166CL-34271 HLL assembly debugging does not work
C166CL-34282 E 18: illegal character (0x40) when debugging with CAN interface
C166CL-34292 S 3: assertion failed - please report
C166CL-34313 Initialize RSTCON before SYSCON2 in start.asm to change clock configuration
C166CL-34335 Fill sections to fill gaps within a sections should not be counted in summary
C166CL-34374 Wrong offset for union containing a bitfied struct in bitaddressable memory
C166CL-34375 The Simulator must not issue a trap when SP is operated outside its range
C166CL-34424 CrossView disassembler ignores EXTR instruction when out sync
C166CL-34434 C166_US secsize control ignored when C166_US is truncated to 16384 bytes
C166CL-34441 E 619: "var" undefined in inline assembly pragma
C166CL-34444 CrossView application error using OSEK RADM
C166CL-34450 undeserved E 209: MISRA C rule 39 violation
C166CL-34472 Program not loaded into internal RAM in single chip mode
C166CL-34474 CrossView halted when calling getchar()
C166CL-34475 Registers MSGDRH00 and CANA_IMRL0 not shown correctly by CrossView
C166CL-34481 Struct members not permitted for inline assembly pseudo variables
C166CL-34495 Program is running instead of single stepping.
C166CL-34516 Control program cc166 crash
C166CL-34550 S 514: (line 11) assertion failed (huge memory model)
C166CL-34563 Error parser does not open the correct document
C166CL-34603 FILLGAP control overwrites constant value
C166CL-34620 No chroma coding for #pragma 'save_attributes', 'romdata' and 'noclear'
C166CL-34625 mk166: *** action exited with value 1
C166CL-34626 Simulator does not reset coverage when no map file loaded
C166CL-34631 S 3: assertion failed - please report
C166CL-34646 VECSEG value from DAvE project file always set to zero
C166CL-34648 XC167CI register files are missing bits AN8..AN11 and P5_8..P5_11
C166CL-34665 Default value of IMBCTR in XC16X must be 0x0001
C166CL-34674 Struct member list does not show up when using _packed or a memory qualifier
C166CL-34681 Processors XC164D,N,S result in partial cstart.asm file
C166CL-34686 Application is halted inside an interrupt routine after single step using OCDS
C166CL-34691 Smart linking: I 900: internal error l166(../../link2.c,590): symbol table bad
C166CL-34692 Manual correction for Assembler derective PUBLIC
C166CL-34693 Add _C166 example to section "Predefined macros"
C166CL-34694 Add a help reference to section "Predefined macros" for all predefined macros
C166CL-34712 missing EBCMOD1, SYSCON0, OPSEN and EMUCON in cstartx2.asm
C166CL-34725 Sub project make file updated erroneously when switching to parent project
C166CL-34734 CrossView crash when changing execution environment and using RADM
C166CL-34769 CC16IO to CC21IO SFR bit definitions missing for XC167CI
C166CL-34857 Wrong code for BUSCONx initialization when CPU.21 bypass is enabled
C166CL-34867 S 3: assertion failed - please report
C166CL-34871 DAS server is not always started
C166CL-34873 Underflow does not always result into zero
C166CL-34874 ihex166 option -z could generate an incorrect hex file
C166CL-34878 Wrong segment address when constant is casted to pointer in large memory model
C166CL-34927 Very long compile time when using "instruction reordering" optmimzation
C166CL-34963 EDE should put the options after the -WmNOLINE
C166CL-34966 Cannot expand 2 dimensional character array in watch window
C166CL-34972 File path not shown after assembly error using different output directory
C166CL-34973 Cannot dereference type information of "<name>"
C166CL-34974 No compiler error for empty enumeration
C166CL-34975 Promote old-style function parameters must be disabled by default
C166CL-35002 Mismatch in register definitions in .def and .h files e.g. for RSTCON
C166CL-35007 sfr bit definitions DP7_4 and DP7_5 missing from reg165utah register files
C166CL-35028 Type modifiers not propagated with _atbit() when base type is an array
C166CL-35031 Extra CR/LF at end of generated start.asm triggers W 106: text after end
C166CL-35043 Warning: missing "sdc_lia" or "sdc_lip" lifetime record
C166CL-35072 E 51: cannot hold that many operators
C166CL-35077 Possibility to enable/disable Interrupt Enabled Debugging from EDE
C166CL-35091 Problems connecting to a XC167CI BB step
C166CL-35095 N-flag not set according to manual
C166CL-35109 I 900: command line: internal error l166(handler,11): please report
C166CL-35115 make does not handle uppercase names correctly on windows
C166CL-35116 make does not handle uppercase names correctly on windows
C166CL-35128 sfr bit definition SSC0_CON_LB missing in regxc164cs.h include file
C166CL-35131 Assembler incorrectly reports E 329: JMP out of range
C166CL-35135 Errors in a file outside the project directory result in display of empty window
C166CL-35143 Do not change compiler option "Language extensions" after MISRA-C rule 1 is set
C166CL-35145 Placing instruction breakpoint failed: BreakpointSet(): Unknown BP method/type
C166CL-35154 Smartlinking does not work when extra controls are given
C166CL-35191 compiler does not complain about post/pre increment/decrement bit variables
C166CL-35206 start.asm: F 304: can't open "head.asm"
C166CL-35211 incorrect value local bit variable
C166CL-35234 Using EDE with newer version of Python
C166CL-35251 Missing SFR's for Fast Interrupts CC8IC to CC12IC in XC164CM
C166CL-35341 OCDS break level not documented
C166CL-35385 Wrong names for local register banks in the compiler manual
C166CL-35418 W 149: DPP prefix used in page or segment extend block
C166CL-35437 Reading register "R0" (0) failed: memory failure at memory space 0 range...
C166CL-35476 cc166 cannot invoke ar166 with large number of object files
C166CL-35496 Register bank only allowed at 16 bytes aligned address when using OCDS
C166CL-35727 S 656: (line 56) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-35813 Disable all SFR initializations in C startup code by default
C166CL-35836 DPP registers moved to the first segment when "Use on-chip RAM" is selected
C166CL-35841 Wrong EXTP instruction when using unaligned pointer
C166CL-35896 The internal IO area does not support real byte accesses
C166CL-35910 hmalloc returns a wrong pointer value after allocating more than 64Kbyte at once
C166CL-35922 Wrong result for sqrt() in huge memory model
C166CL-35959 Executing CALLS using DAS LPT with DAS v2.5 ignores segment number.
C166CL-35985 Can't use CodeWright with MS Vista
C166CL-36002 CC1_CC8IC missing in the regxc164cm header files
C166CL-36028 Autmatic bit struct allocation disabled when noclear option used
C166CL-36030 EDE incorrectly maps RAM at 0xC000-0xC7FF for C164CI
C166CL-36113 SFR files are not MISRA-C compliant
C166CL-36167 Using -BZinsert_mdlh_muldiv results in protected NOP instead of DIV
C166CL-36169 Wrong line in compiler dependency output
C166CL-36205 S 723: (line ?) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-36235 OCDS via DAS could not be set for user defined boards
C166CL-36238 Update examples for not using a fixed (extern) memory range
C166CL-36370 User defined "output directoy" doesn't allow spaces in its name
C166CL-36377 Bring back the _inline keyword in the XE166 compiler
C166CL-36382 "E 62: bad storage class" on inline function returning a function pointer
C166CL-36485 Source Window shows wrong file in mixed-mode
C166CL-36497 Linux and Windows compiler creates different code
C166CL-36544 With -zfragment the compiler starts a new section at the use of intrinsic
C166CL-36580 Unexpected floating point trap
C166CL-36601 The project file xxxx.dpt appears to be invalid
C166CL-36656 E 51: cannot hold that many operators
C166CL-36658 CAN libraries not working in huge memory model
C166CL-36671 FLEXlm errors not always shown on stream stderr
C166CL-36871 Generated DSRAM area too large for XC164CS-16 derivative
C166CL-36883 ERROR: PSM can't request interrupt number 0x00
C166CL-36885 Missing sfr definitions for XC2287M
C166CL-36917 pre-link error when defining a static template member function
C166CL-36926 CAPCOM peripheral simulation not working correctly.
C166CL-36930 Output pin not toggled using Compare Mode 1 and 3
C166CL-36979 Start address of an interrupt task not calculated correctly
C166CL-36989 Compiler setting should be checked when importing a DAvE project
C166CL-37077 Incorrect result after shifting a long with DFAP enabled
C166CL-37117 CCNT not incremented after unconditional jump using the XC16x simulator
C166CL-37125 xc16x simulator does not generate interrupts for ADC channel.
C166CL-37234 m166 does not support files larger than 32768 lines
C166CL-37266 non-existing SFR names for XC164CM
C166CL-37299 conversion failed for sfr bits BNKSELx_GPRSELx after DAvE import
C166CL-37301 System stack cannot be increased by using the SECSIZE control
C166CL-37302 S 524: (line xx) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-37303 Interrupt Enabled Debugging not documented
C166CL-37305 DAvE import not supported for XE16xFM and XE16xFM derivatives
C166CL-37307 Programming external Flash not working for Phytec miniMODULE 167CX
C166CL-37308 Wrong ST10F269 on-chip flash memory specification when bit ROMS1 from SYSCON is set to segment zero
C166CL-37312 Fill bytes may end up in the middle of ROM data sections when using FILLGAPS
C166CL-37313 -Oc (CSE optimization) causes R14 / R15 content overwrite
C166CL-37314 Error parser does not open the listed include file
C166CL-37315 Compiler quits without error message when a function contains more than about 60000 lines
C166CL-37316 Symbol file <name>.abs is not in IEEE-695 format or too short
C166CL-37317 sections may get overlapped unexpectedly when empty sections are located in the same area
C166CL-37318 wrong pointer used for struct assignment in huge memory model
C166CL-37319 Segmentation fault after running munch166 on Redhat AS5
C166CL-37321 FASTBL bit missing in CPUCON2 in register files
C166CL-37322 Interrupt Enabled Debugging option in EDE does not work
C166CL-37323 segmentation fault when running munch166 on Fedora Core 6
C166CL-37328 Program is not halted after a single step instruction when the next source line is interrupt protected
C166CL-37333 VECSEG register cannot be initialized from EDE
C166CL-37348 Debug Suspend Mode not entered after a Halt or Single step
C166CL-37349 Variables not shown correctly in CrossView
C166CL-37350 S 687: assertion failed - please report
C166CL-37351 Segment 191 should not be reserved for XC2xxx processors
C166CL-37352 Capture Compare output register CC2_OUT not simulated
C166CL-37353 E 142: No or not enough resources available for this breakpoint
C166CL-37357 CrossView error when loading abs file: iaux out of bounds
C166CL-37358 User Stack Model library not included in special XE16x package
C166CL-37360 Application error for Phyton installation higher than v2.0
C166CL-37363 Better fix for 019-35234 "Using EDE with newer version of Python"
C166CL-37364 The actual compiler limit for a string literal after concatenation is 15000 instead of 1500
C166CL-37365 Uninitialized register after DFAP optimization
C166CL-37367 SFR bit EWENx from BUSCONx not selectable at startup configuration menu for C167CS-40
C166CL-37368 C167CS and the C167CSx40 should have same SFR definitions and internal RAM
C166CL-37369 Startup code documentation is wrong
C166CL-37370 memory windows shows trap code 0x9B04 after hitting a breakpoint using the serial RAM/ROM monitor
C166CL-37375 #pragma's not supported in C++
C166CL-37376 a local variable might not be shown correctly by CrossView when the "CPU Core Registers" window is also shown
C166CL-37377 -Of causes incorrect register use for destination register of __cpnnb - R12 instead of R10
C166CL-37378 compiler fails to generate inline code for inline function definitions
C166CL-37379 C++ compiler command line options documented which are not supported
C166CL-37380 Control program does not recognize C++ option --pending-instantiations
C166CL-37381 flash_device_num and flash_unused_address_lines not documented
C166CL-37382 missing error for too large string constant
C166CL-37387 CrossView crashes unexpectedly
C166CL-37388 The Peripheral Simulation Module should be updated for XC and XE derivatives
C166CL-37389 Application error when running the disassembler d166
C166CL-37390 Python not supported on 64-bit systems
C166CL-37392 Wrong result using DFAP
C166CL-37393 DP7_4 to DP7_7 missing in ST10F273E sfr files
C166CL-37396 "no storage assigned" when using a local struct pointer
C166CL-37397 Wrong bitfields accessed when using an unaligned struct
C166CL-37398 Incorrect access of near variable with compiler optimization 'Register Contents Tracing'
C166CL-37399 EDE may crash on projects with large number of files.
C166CL-37400 Python error for win32com.client.Dispatch("Xfw166.CommandLine") on Windows 7
C166CL-37404 W 109 module name not unique linker warning when leading digits in file name used
C166CL-5295 Scope of publics becomes global if one global is defined
C166CL-5307 #pragma save/restore doesn't work for tentative declaration
C166CL-5371 S530 when union assignment and member access in 1 statement
C166CL-5525 General protection fault on user error
C166CL-5591 Temporary files in current directory not removed
C166CL-5793 Far 'converted' from huge to far
C166CL-5826 undocumented reentrant behaviour on struct return value
C166CL-5888 strtod(): incorrect behavior on overflow and underflow
C166CL-6104 #pragma asm: last instr removed due to line splicing
C166CL-6219 Compiler allows struct init which exceeds struct size
C166CL-6254 conditional assembly gets unconditional.
C166CL-6302 No HLL debug info for _atbit()
C166CL-6309 #pragma regdef 0 does not influence module summary
C166CL-6360 SFRBIT declaration missing in .DEF and .H files
C166CL-6361 "_atbit vars" can't be exported without _atbit attrib.
C166CL-6500 Bad member access in structs >32k due to integer offsets
C166CL-6501 S 508 on declaration of bitstruct before definition.
C166CL-6513 Two #pragma asm/endasm parts lead to jump to wrong label
C166CL-6523 Bad jumps over inline asm in nested conditional blocks
C166CL-6545 register union results in internal error 546
C166CL-6551 incorrect code for volatile expression
C166CL-6571 FP-values MAXLONG>n>MAXULONG casted to ULONG cause ftrap
C166CL-6612 E538: '^=' needs bit object as lvalue
C166CL-6745 c166 allows the use of "far" and "huge" in tiny model
C166CL-6811 C166 doesn't allow declaration without 'const' qualifier
C166CL-6900 Wrong page selected when array index has const subtract in specific case
C166CL-6950 l166 generated sections do not belong to any module
C166CL-6955 S 603: invalid CSE
C166CL-6960 GO/PO controls will not resolve LDAT external references
C166CL-6972 cc166 option -cl does not work properly
C166CL-6979 Pathnames still limited to 78 characters.
C166CL-7025 inline assembly comment results in E620
C166CL-7059 source window not updated when IP or CSP is updated
C166CL-7060 trace window displayed while trace not supported
C166CL-7064 Compiler generates invalid operand type: ADD R4,[R5]
C166CL-7074 DPPn registers can be set in range 0-15 only.
C166CL-7100 cpp tries to open #line filename on #pragma asm/endasm
C166CL-7107 Selection of Target board not always correct
C166CL-7112 object names in archives restricted to 14 chararcters
C166CL-7119 fast loop optimization (-Ol) and Internal error 518
C166CL-7197 mk166 -q does not work: exit status is always non-zero
C166CL-7218 internal error S518 on CSE expression with & || !=
C166CL-7230 changing target selection sometimes fails
C166CL-7257 Illegal instructions generated on conditional _putbit
C166CL-7259 A166 does not allow near data in hardlocated sect >64k
C166CL-7271 IHEX166 option -a has no effect on extended linear recs
C166CL-7285 CC166 does not pass user-specified libs to L166
C166CL-7327 F 504: object doesn't fit in memory: fstack
C166CL-7378 EXTERN generated if local and unused extern have the same name
C166CL-7410 SFR area must be within a MEMORY RAM range
C166CL-7418 Compiler generates jumps to non-existing labels
C166CL-7433 CC166 should call user-specified libs before system libs
C166CL-7440 Cannot locate CSYSTEM section for no obvious reason
C166CL-7499 Generated module name directive too short
C166CL-7525 BFLDH instr operates on low byte instead of high byte
C166CL-7526 W149: DPP-prefix used in page or segment extend block
C166CL-7528 EXTS instruction not recognized.
C166CL-7530 compiler does not insert the required EXTR #1 instruction
C166CL-7532 Bad runtime struct offset computation in large model
C166CL-7546 Default regbank name RBANK conflicts with L166 keyword
C166CL-7550 Bitword var not treated as unsigned on >> operation
C166CL-7558 A166 E316 on relative jumps in code section at >64k
C166CL-7561 missing register definitions
C166CL-7589 No code generated on statement causing W163
C166CL-7593 L166 NOSORTALIGN conflicts with ORDER SECTION wildcards
C166CL-7610 IEEE166 syntax error due to bad symbolic debug info.
C166CL-7612 Relocation errors on equates does not mention name
C166CL-7615 Small model absolute address cannot be higher that 64k
C166CL-7618 cc166 always invokes linker with warnings disabled
C166CL-7619 _atbit should work for bitword array elem with const ix
C166CL-7624 E 161: aggregates around '=' do not match
C166CL-7652 error on pseudo reg. used in inline assembly comment
C166CL-7672 L166 generates incorrect bit address for BFLDx instr.
C166CL-7673 Generated code should not contain jumps in EXTP sequence
C166CL-7682 S524 internal error - please report
C166CL-7698 L166 locator crash
C166CL-7707 BFLDx external arguments badly resolved by L166 (A166)
C166CL-7712 S524 internal error on assignment to bitfield
C166CL-7718 C166 generates too long lines for A166; A166 crashes.
C166CL-7748 No userstack space alloc after #pragma save_attributes
C166CL-7835 Option -H causes wrong error line# on inline asm error
C166CL-7842 AR166 -Q list: last libmod specified is not archived
C166CL-7856 A166 E272 on static args in large model and option -OT
C166CL-7891 DELete-key does not work in Command Window in MS-Windows
C166CL-7904 Hardware breakpoint removed after halt and set before go
C166CL-7906 The 'u' command does not work
C166CL-7917 EDE Small Model DPP-assignment 1st page of 48K fails
C166CL-7918 Stepping in EXTP sequence with page >0xF leads to crash.
C166CL-7922 Multiple monitor cmds on a line will mess up data window
C166CL-7945 two parameters pushed on stack get mixed
C166CL-7957 cannot address beyond 0x3FFFF in C167 mode.
C166CL-7959 IHEX166: cannot generate decent start record '05'
C166CL-7965 XFW simio strips CR/LF in output file
C166CL-7972 float const ?1:0 cannot be evaluated at compile time.
C166CL-7983 Internal Error S 652 on bit asignment with unary operato
C166CL-7991 Problem with atomic assembly instruction
C166CL-7992 GDI interface: XVW should not display invalid values
C166CL-7994 struct initialization F602
C166CL-7995 XREF control causes GPF
C166CL-8021 Bad relocation of BMOV ext. operands in absolute section
C166CL-8033 crashes on accessing data beyond 256 kb.
C166CL-8037 temporary files are not removed
C166CL-8038 XVW fails to reset special registers T01CON on RESET
C166CL-8040 S 687
C166CL-8041 S 651
C166CL-8047 page fault when assembling huge .src file
C166CL-8048 A166 listfile linenumbers become negative when >32K
C166CL-8071 hex file output incorrect, unexpected EOF
C166CL-8081 $OBJECT does not work without filename
C166CL-8084 L166 error with ?BASE_DPP and PTOG
C166CL-8119 Code section consisting of LABEL only with NO CODE loc'd in RAM
C166CL-8126 Scrollbar problems in source window
C166CL-8132 Breakpoint prefs. dialog shows cut-off text
C166CL-8135 Background debug mode not stable
C166CL-8138 Bad code on conditional #pragma asm_noflush and -OD.
C166CL-8145 A166 problem with long file_names in the EDE project file
C166CL-8161 A166 hang with the XREF control and certain sym
C166CL-8203 If an include file contains an error, the EDE error parser fails
C166CL-8204 A166 does not check for max# of relo records -> crashes
C166CL-8216 Compiler generates incorrect .src code when bits cleared
C166CL-8229 C166 incorrect register with _putbit(.... code
C166CL-8271 S 687 Internal error C166
C166CL-8275 wrong constant used after combining AND/OR masks
C166CL-8277 PICON extended sfr not included in the reg167.h file
C166CL-8281 __icall doesn't know about _usm/_nousm function pointers
C166CL-8284 L166 E231 error out of symbols range
C166CL-8289 m166 macro pre-processor indents include file >400 space
C166CL-8314 E 149 on declaration of bitstruct before definition
C166CL-8345 restore the source window setup
C166CL-8351 simulator hangs on initialisation of huge arrary
C166CL-8364 bit instructions with SFR's ONES or ZEROES in A166
C166CL-8369 incorrect code generation with -O3 (optimize for speed)
C166CL-8382 step into does not work on function pointers
C166CL-8390 incorrect pointer increment when CSE disabled.
C166CL-8391 pointer conversion problem when CSE enabled
C166CL-8422 IHEX166 V6.0r1 incorrect order of page out page 2 & 1
C166CL-8433 last CSE reference causes bad code
C166CL-8441 Can't change address during BDM
C166CL-8442 Scrolling source window during BDM causes system hangup
C166CL-8443 Always get <unknown> values when moving in memory window
C166CL-8445 Changing address in Source Window during BDM cause crash
C166CL-8447 can not reduce the crossview application window
C166CL-8448 No access to address by its label in "memory setup wind"
C166CL-8450 error when single stepping using software breakpoint
C166CL-8451 unable to 'GO' when at a breakpoint
C166CL-8452 arbitrary breakpoint if label not found in bkpt setup
C166CL-8454 Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break can hang the PC
C166CL-8457 sfr bit T6UDE of timer 6 not defined in 167reh.h
C166CL-8474 S 687 assertion failed report.
C166CL-8475 S 524 Assertion failed error
C166CL-8476 S 674 assertion failed error
C166CL-8480 float in XVW are not correctly displayed
C166CL-8481 TMPDIR temporary files not removed if on different drive (error F 403)
C166CL-8485 Bad breakpoint set for false addr in BP window
C166CL-8494 breakpoint preference settings sometimes ignored
C166CL-8497 S 674
C166CL-8498 illegal operand access (unaligned word)
C166CL-8510 constant added to wrong variable
C166CL-8511 S 687
C166CL-8516 m166 crashes on large application
C166CL-8520 Call Function from the menu bar is nonfunctional
C166CL-8524 instructions for bit offset/addr are badly disassembled
C166CL-8540 Label list access box in source window is not correct.
C166CL-8541 case sensitivity setting is not promoted through GDI
C166CL-8545 Warnning: missing sdc_lia or sdc_lip
C166CL-8546 F 571 'bitaddr' is illegal memory for romdata
C166CL-8549 E 149: object "feed" has zero size
C166CL-8551 S546 Assertion failed on bit cast
C166CL-8552 S524 assertion error
C166CL-8554 CSE disabled generates S 644
C166CL-8555 115k baudrate not supported in 32-bit MS-Windows
C166CL-8560 Interupt frame pointer abberation on V6.0r1
C166CL-8563 IHEX166 generates incorrect output (v6.0r1)
C166CL-8564 postincrement on pointer is lost when CSE disabled
C166CL-8565 casting a far to near ptr yields incorrect code
C166CL-8566 starting new search while one is running causes hang
C166CL-8567 Multiple modules does not show bp bullets in source wdw
C166CL-8570 S 524: (line 3335) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-8576 Variable incorrectly diplayed in XVW data window (IEEE166)
C166CL-8585 S 524
C166CL-8626 Additional include dir in EDE causes M166 error
C166CL-8629 S 546 Assertion error please report error
C166CL-8636 case sensitivity with external sfr.def files
C166CL-8637 compiler bug trashed register in CSE
C166CL-8638 mk166 "clean" invocation does not remove the files
C166CL-8639 S674 asertion failed error
C166CL-8643 S 655
C166CL-8644 reg164. missing var bit declarations async, sync for pec
C166CL-8650 Demo compiler prints incorrect E 102: duplicate case...
C166CL-8653 S546 assertion error
C166CL-8656 XVW ROM Monitor/Sim does not display printf
C166CL-8657 CoSUB2R instruction not accepted by A166
C166CL-8660 compiler bug with structs
C166CL-8661 C166 bug, volatile -> long int creates wrong code.
C166CL-8667 register is saved and restored, undoing an assignment
C166CL-8677 Unable to convert float/double to unsigned long
C166CL-8695 S 644 on *p++ expression
C166CL-8696 incorrect W 183 emitted
C166CL-8698 typo in XVW popup window simalated sb simulated
C166CL-8699 Output file for the Hitex emulator -FO does not function
C166CL-8700 c166 generates incorrect code
C166CL-8702 S 524: assertion failed
C166CL-8733 compiler calculation error
C166CL-8751 peephole moves instruction from extend range >1
C166CL-8764 XVW does not display data window correctly on long struc
C166CL-8769 IEEE166 generated a Fatal Parser error due to bad HLL info
C166CL-8810 Large a.out file can crash 32-bit Windows l166
C166CL-8814 structs + floats causes wrong call to float-lib _cmf8ar
C166CL-8817 S 524: assertion failed
C166CL-8824 register is clobbered
C166CL-8825 F 504 error: object doesn't fit in memory: program
C166CL-8826 CSE optimization results in overwritten register
C166CL-8841 bug in code generation for initialized constant local va
C166CL-8845 Unsigned int computation failed
C166CL-8855 C166 -AF 32 bit far pointer option is backwards
C166CL-8856 32 bit comparison selection (C166 -AF) is inverted.
C166CL-8858 S 655: (line 513) assertion failed - please report
C166CL-8865 XVW sim io Reading & Writing from file
C166CL-8872 CrossView doesn't display last line without CR LF
C166CL-8876 compiler pushes to stack within EXTP range
C166CL-8893 XVW Small Model displaying mixed, loses symbolic info
C166CL-8898 C166 compiled files generates E355 A166 error
C166CL-8901 type casting into huge arrays bug?
C166CL-8910 Internal error S 3
C166CL-8912 Internal error S 3
C166CL-8915 CC166 control program error with very short file names
C166CL-8916 cast a float number into an unsigned int number
C166CL-8917 C166 generates internal error S 706
C166CL-8928 simulator retarget for BUSCON0/SYSCON is incorrect
C166CL-8930 S 674 error
C166CL-8931 S 687 assertion error
C166CL-8941 realloc() bug when out of memory
C166CL-8945 M166.EXE causes a page fault
C166CL-8949 Wrong code optimization on expression with shifts
C166CL-8962 object in lib can cause problems with bit storage parts
C166CL-8970 W 149: DPP-prefix warning at asm stage
C166CL-8971 M166 generates page fault under certain conditions
C166CL-8975 EDE does not allow Hitex format options to be changed.
C166CL-8976 include directories for .ASM limited to single file
C166CL-8982 C++ sometimes removes #pragma asm
C166CL-8983 static bitwords inside functions do not work
C166CL-8984 Error in constant folding when -Ac
C166CL-8985 Error in constant folding when -Ac
C166CL-9108 E 355: invalid operand type
C166CL-9109 CrossView doesn't reupdate the stack window

Improvements and/or New Features

C166CL-20018 Display CAN registers for the 161 in separate windows
C166CL-20084 Enable watchdog timer support
C166CL-20272 Support for XBUS peripherals using new xsfr datatype
C166CL-20288 Can't resize Browse Label
C166CL-20381 XFW166: source + assembly window
C166CL-20382 C166: separate startup code macros
C166CL-20391 Compiler generates same line twice
C166CL-20601 EDE should display the new operator for the HEAP size selection
C166CL-20646 Download & compare functionality for xfw166
C166CL-20750 With USM model XFW generates: GDI PTrace resume failed
C166CL-20771 EDE has problems with read-only projects
C166CL-20778 Crossview will lose the communication with the target
C166CL-20788 Possibility setting BreakPoints at beginning of function
C166CL-20808 C166 generate module names with 8 chars for longfilenames
C166CL-20818 Optimization for signed division code with power of 2
C166CL-20835 Faster switching between menus in EDE
C166CL-20837 Misc Ihex Formatter changes
C166CL-20842 Add 83C166/88C166 support
C166CL-20859 Problem with XVW commandline options
C166CL-20951 W198: "trigraph sequence replaced" not documented
C166CL-20956 RM166: -m option not documented
C166CL-21003 TFR redefinition warning
C166CL-21023 l166 does not support modulenames longer than 8 chars
C166CL-21212 EDE does not reload currently used file
C166CL-21314 Simulated output works differently for windows and files
C166CL-21363 Allow warnings to exit like errors
C166CL-21470 chroma coding lost for *.cmp files
C166CL-21501 new record when crossing page boundary for IHEX formatter
C166CL-21663 Optimization for 32/16bits devision
C166CL-21750 Bit addressable IRAM always cleared by _c_init.asm
C166CL-21863 option to include user defined makefile into EDE makefile
C166CL-22003 CR: formatter output with sorted records
C166CL-22103 No assembler warning when gpr byte context is converted into gpr word context
C166CL-22114 system variables (i.e. CAN) cannot be used together with the _at keyword
C166CL-22121 Option to save breakpoints in CrossView
C166CL-22122 'Find Function' should list all functions in CrossView
C166CL-22206 FSS doesn't have any scrollbar for the output window
C166CL-22338 F 551: too many sections (>255)
C166CL-22396 option for IHEX formatter to generate even number of bytes
C166CL-22485 option -Dmacro=def skips quotes stated in the definition
C166CL-22672 IEEE limit: 5000 sections
C166CL-22673 _xsfr registers cannot be shown in CrossViews register window.
C166CL-22740 section VECT_RAM_DATA cannot be located outside the first segment
C166CL-22745 Super10 ROM monitor baudrate improvement
C166CL-22750 Disabling of data breakpoints not possible
C166CL-22768 A data breakpoint hit is only showed in the Command Window
C166CL-22808 initialize gaps (range records) between sections
C166CL-22894 Super10 registers outside the normal SFR range in XVW register window
C166CL-22898 Crossview Passing argument
C166CL-23017 Optimization: DOUBLE LINE MOV Rn , Rm
C166CL-23095 automatically include template objects to a library
C166CL-23111 E 200: (line 1) syntax error
C166CL-23151 L166 extremely slow
C166CL-30037 Configuration file for Phytec mm167cs evaluation board not supported yet
C166CL-30398 Add additional bit definitions to the CPU ports
C166CL-30417 Let the locator look for a corresponding DPP register when using the _at keyword
C166CL-30419 Let the locator look for a corresponding DPP register when using the _at keyword
C166CL-30425 Allow output directories
C166CL-30624 Length of EDE | Directories | Include Files Path is limited to 1024 characters
C166CL-30730 profiling and CCNT not supported fot 166-v2 derivates
C166CL-30733 Accessing the high word of a long int is inefficient
C166CL-30977 Timer 6 in Gated Timer Mode not supported
C166CL-31006 Use hardware breakpoints by default when using OCDS
C166CL-31007 Implementation of software breakpoints for OCDS
C166CL-31128 Add PAG operator to invocation language
C166CL-31437 Register XPEREMU not initialized in the startup code for ST10F276
C166CL-31455 XC164CS TwinCAN registers are not listed in regxc164cs.h
C166CL-31463 OCDS support for C166S v1
C166CL-31503 Possibility to add additional options when CrossView is started from EDE
C166CL-31644 only double backslashes accepted by ar166 in path names for obj files using -Q
C166CL-31752 Control program generate tempory map files when generating formatter with PR
C166CL-31815 support for Forth evaboard Super10R303 (M345 core)
C166CL-32258 Add bit mask for SYSCON and BUSCON0 to initialize these bits by hardware
C166CL-32454 Not supported: system registers outside segment 0
C166CL-32456 Add 'user defined' execution environment to all manufacturers
C166CL-32606 Some EXTMAC or EXTEND2 system names not declared in header files
C166CL-32795 Constant conversion optimization
C166CL-32897 17 instructions can be moved between a DIV intrsuction and the result read
C166CL-33046 Possibility to use the Simulator when a target board is selected
C166CL-33056 Option to load BTYP bits for BUSCON0 register via PORT0
C166CL-33533 Use C preprocessor defines also in macro preprocessor invocation in EDE
C166CL-34125 Optimization request for constant far address used for CAN SFR
C166CL-34510 Improved OCDS watchdog reset behaviour
C166CL-37009 Add support for XC2200N/XC2300B/XC27x4X/XE16xxN, XC2200H/XC27x7X/XE16xxH and XC2000ED
C166CL-37309 The one's complement operator is not recommnded for bit variables.
C166CL-37320 Add support for DAvE for XE16xxH/N, XC2200H/N, XC2300B/C and XC2704X/7X
C166CL-37324 Add support for all XE166M devices
C166CL-37326 It is not clear from the compiler manual under which conditions no interrupt register bank is generated
C166CL-37330 Update to DAS version 2.9.0
C166CL-37331 Add support for new DAP miniWiggler
C166CL-37343 When no class matches a CLASSES control, the UNIQUE keyword does not reserve the specified range anymore
C166CL-37372 Add support for XC2200U/XC2300S/XC2702X/XE166xU
C166CL-37373 Add support for XC22xxI, XC23xxE and XC27x8X
C166CL-37374 Add support for XC2200L/XC2300D/XC2703X/XE166xL
C166CL-37383 Update to DAS version 3.3.1
C166CL-5777 Add code size, constants, ram usage, etc to map file
C166CL-5854 Add mk166 option to make all targetfiles precious
C166CL-6007 pack structures in array
C166CL-6024 C166 option to suppress userstack sections
C166CL-6050 Automatic truncation of userstack section
C166CL-6434 Add beginning and end address labels on classes
C166CL-6494 Change of default values of options desired
C166CL-6648 consistent behavior for shift left/right expressions
C166CL-6697 do not save DPP0 on intframe when not necessary
C166CL-6756 Constant values seem to have type long by default
C166CL-6864 Optimization of constant to volatile assignment
C166CL-6971 Line number in error message wrapped around.
C166CL-7001 Random differences in relocatable fields of object file
C166CL-7425 Remove restriction that structs are always word-aligned
C166CL-7650 avoid generation of multiply MOVBZ instructions
C166CL-7651 issue error on type mismatch of diff. sized types
C166CL-7657 clock cycle counter to be triggered by command
C166CL-7769 Reentrancy question for the c166 compiler
C166CL-7890 add button to continue execution in background (CB cmd)
C166CL-7895 ability to copy data or memory window to clipboard
C166CL-7903 inefficient memory access from XVW
C166CL-7932 Unnecessary DPP0 restore after _LOADLH/_STORELH
C166CL-7976 support for 'packed' structures.
C166CL-7984 request for option to print the data window
C166CL-7986 show contents of var when moving over it with mouse
C166CL-8000 Incorrect warnings W 145 and W 147
C166CL-8113 compiler inefficiencies when using pointers
C166CL-8127 generate HLL information on assembly procedures
C166CL-8129 Memory window, hex unsigned integer should zero extend
C166CL-8130 addresses in memory window not formated correctly
C166CL-8155 Initialize number of bytes
C166CL-8170 reduce mouse clicks by combining two windows
C166CL-8171 assembly label drop down box in source window
C166CL-8173 add exit macro to set errorlevel and abort
C166CL-8180 lowest level warning when used macro not defined
C166CL-8214 IHEX166: generate address in asscending seq
C166CL-8313 L166 suggestions on INTERRUPT
C166CL-8354 profiling/converage buttons do not match the menu items
C166CL-8360 include browse functions for assembly functions as well
C166CL-8371 compiler enhancement with int constants overflow
C166CL-8385 switch option to surpress #line numbers in M166
C166CL-8525 disable the toolbar when executing a single step
C166CL-8531 Likes Compiler warnings when constant manipultion overfl
C166CL-8544 Map file labels ordered numeric as well as alpha
C166CL-8578 Relax some ANSI checks inside #if 0...#endif
C166CL-8625 M166INC does not support multiple include paths
C166CL-8635 linker locater to accept variable for DPP
C166CL-8860 EDE suggetions for improvement

Closed Issues

This is a list of issues that have been closed with a resolution other than fixed. This list contains issues that will not be fixed, issues that appeared to be not a problem and/or issues that could not be reproduced. The list of fixed issues for v6.0r1 is not shown here, it is included in the release notes of the product.

Won't Fix

C166CL-5804 compiler issues error without line number
C166CL-30883 VDOS commando output does not appear in the output screen (Win98 only)
C166CL-9107 NhtSignFBt(): illegal basic type 0
C166CL-20404 Incorrect 'W 195: constant expression out of range'
C166CL-6802 Step-over #define may consume lot of time
C166CL-8018 Macro scope problem issues variable error messages
C166CL-20052 test all levels of pointer indirections
C166CL-8036 ICALL.ASM doesn't have stubs in all segms for EXTM model
C166CL-23102 --diag_option does not work
C166CL-21416 munch166 temporary files are not saved
C166CL-23199 'C:\Documents' is not recognized as an internal or external command.. wmk:
C166CL-30955 C compiler wrongly returns error 544
C166CL-32364 Word Completion does not function when the _at keyword is being used
C166CL-30253 Instructions after _atomic() intrinsic should not be optimized away
C166CL-32108 The line number of a compiler syntax error is not shown
C166CL-31234 CrossView does not support non-default baud rates
C166CL-31233 wrong error message 'unknown host name'
C166CL-33328 F106: illegal character
C166CL-33512 Register bank name may clash with register file symbols
C166CL-36931 Static variable inside a static template function not handled correctly
C166CL-37124 Timer does not always halt after hitting a breakpoint using XC22xx derivative
C166CL-37118 Default OCDS break level (see CMCTR) not always set to highest value
C166CL-37340 DAS LPT does not work on Windows Vista and Windows 7
C166CL-37356 CPU type not supported when importing or refreshing DAvE project
C166CL-33801 Using 'nested' -f requires a space between -f and filename
C166CL-35679 Not initialized variables are not detected with -O0
C166CL-35488 CrossView hangs after using 'Target | Flash setup | Check ID' button
C166CL-35965 Hanging FLEXlm licenses
C166CL-35904 .hlp files not supported anymore in Windows Vista
C166CL-34634 E 299: MEMORY control: IRAM range 0f600h to 0ffffh overlapped by a ROM range
C166CL-36475 Running Vista SP1, EDE hangs after showing splash screen
C166CL-36191 Uncouple flash workspace address and configuration settings from SFR settings
C166CL-33359 no workaround for CPU functional problem "BREAK_X.H2"
C166CL-33887 It's not possible to set a data breakpoint using the name of a sfr register
C166CL-33836 E 95: Array is too large
C166CL-34964 Using _packed structure in C++ results in C compiler error E 61: type clash
C166CL-35280 E204: syntax error on token - in line 32768
C166CL-35182 Cannot store string: program being debugged is not linked with "end.obj"
C166CL-35123 Not possible to use $(PROJDIR) or %x environment variables in EDE
C166CL-5297 C166 F602 error on extra curly braces in struct init
C166CL-31406 ieee166: this program has performed an illegal operation
C166CL-31821 Wrong pointer arithmetics combining near and far addresses
C166CL-8542 #pragma cse <num> and option -c<num> do not have any effect
C166CL-34547 Output of C and C++ program are different when _packed structures are used
C166CL-34616 #pragma class has no effect on static local variable
C166CL-35084 system sections cannot be located
C166CL-35670 CodeSense shows sfr definitions inside all sfr files
C166CL-33141 W 196: constant expression out of range due to signed/unsigned type mismatch
C166CL-34190 Compiler its preprocessor cannot handle files longer than 65000 lines
C166CL-35691 16 bits bitfield treated as an 8 bits char
C166CL-34303 comment sign @" at the end of a macro definition converted into new line
C166CL-32306 Wrong value displayed in CrossView
C166CL-20175 Initializing arrays in structures: E 143: too many initializers
C166CL-21868 wrong symbolic debug info when using peephole optimization
C166CL-30156 Inline assembly inside a switch statement ignored by the C++ frontend
C166CL-20328 E 279: Cannot use filename main.cpp

Not a problem

C166CL-32726 W 864: _atbit() has no effect on external declaration
C166CL-37228 regbank generated with pragma noframe
C166CL-30057 W196 generated by the compiler as a result of compiled C++ code

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