Open and Closed Issues for TASKING Pin Mapper v1.1r2Log in

Open Issues

This is a list of currently open issues for the TASKING Pin Mapper v1.1r2. The list may include issues found in later releases, whether such issues also appear in this release has not always been verified yet. See below for the list of closed issues. The list of fixed issues for v1.1r2 is included in the release notes of the product.


PIN-14 TC38x P20.2 is input only
PIN-23 Pin Mapper CSV output does not include pin names for VGATE1N / VGATE1P
PIN-26 Importing a certain pincfg file fails with a Null Pointer Exception
PIN-31 Update Pin Mapper data for TC33x
PIN-32 Hardware configuration pin 3 (SCU_PD_HWCFG3) missing in P14.3 config
PIN-42 Ethernet pin configuration missing for TC234LA/LX derivatives
PIN-43 TC37x RMII REFCLK input on incorrect port
PIN-44 Error Pin Configuration File not Found or invalid
PIN-45 CSV export does not work when port 2 is configured for a TC26x
PIN-46 Unneeded configuration options in Pin Mapper for peripheral pins
PIN-50 GTM_TIM1 / GTM_TIM2 configuration missing in pin mapper (TC26x)
PIN-55 Pin Mapper permits a wrong speed grade for Slow Pad setup
PIN-58 TC37x LQFP-176 Port 22 and Port 3 Wrong assignment to the power domain
PIN-61 TC33X TQFP 100 - pins 26 - 40 in wrong order
PIN-63 PinMapper does not start if SmartCode is installed previously
PIN-87 TC37XPD / LQFP176 : GETH 11.0 (TXD3) / P11.1 (TXD2) LQFP176 cause error
PIN-93 Problems reported when connecting SCR DAP to SCR P00.7 for TC3xx

Closed Issues

This is a list of issues that have been closed with a resolution other than fixed. This list contains issues that will not be fixed, issues that appeared to be not a problem and/or issues that could not be reproduced. The list of fixed issues for v1.1r2 is not shown here, it is included in the release notes of the product.

Not a problem

PIN-9 HSSL configuration does not support slave usage
PIN-30 HWCFG1IN pin configuration for P14.5 missing for TC33x
PIN-34 Multiple inputs for SCU_E_REQ signals cannot be selected

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